Spinward Star, LLP

The Count’s Gambit, Part Two

  • Dirtside on Porozlo, the crew are dismissed from Count Para’s presence, having agreed to go to Quopist to retrieve his son.
  • The count’s aide-de-camp, Vago Gejalli, converses with the crew and reveals he is authorized to offer 200K for this mission. Recognizing that they have insufficient numbers to properly crew and maintain the Miss Adventure, the crew convince him to pay for additional personnel in the form of the Aimless Pilgrim crew still on Porozlo.
  • Once upon Nemso Orbital, the crew split up to accomplish different tasks. During this, Eddy is jumped by muscle for the “merchant” he owes a Debt to and is thoroughly roughed up. Only the intervention of a helpful stranger stops this.
  • Once the medical supplies are loaded aboard the Miss Adventure, the crew depart the following day. They Jump to Tureded, refuel, then continue on to Quopist.
  • Immediately upon arrival, they are engaged by a vargr corsair waiting to ambush them despite the sheer impossibility of such an action. These are the Dzarukh, an enemy of both Ella and Sae. Quick shots are exchanged with the corsair hammering the Miss Adventure. Ella orders a stand-down and agrees to allow the vargr to board…
  • But the crew is waiting for the vargr boarding teams. In seconds, five of the vargr are dead, including the commander, and the rest are in retreat while the crew press their advantage and move to counter-board…

GM Notes:

  • I thoroughly screwed up the space battle at the beginning. It was terrible.
  • The vargr’s tactics were kind of terrible for the boarding action. I’d originally intended on them being smarter and more aggressive, but then Haank’s player called for a Tactics check which resulted in him beating me by 2 – he made it by 1, I failed by 1 – so I decided the vargr were bored and not expecting real resistance so when they started taking fire, they panicked. Next week, we’re going to start with the counter-boarding action…
  • I’m retrofitting the Star Wars d20 adventure module, “Tempest Feud” for this although I’m definitely making some tweaks and adjustments to fit better.
  • Since we’re livestreaming our games every Saturdays (6:00PM Eastern) at Ronnke’s Twitch channel and then later uploading the stream on the YouTube channel, we’ve decided to dial back on the extensiveness of the recap to just the overall outline..