The Survivors
  • GM: Rigil Kent
  • Christoph Jäger (FX Engineer)
  • Enfys Loom (Nosh)
  • Jörg Lange (Gigermann)
  • Queen Coppertong (Mel)
  • Sören Roth (Ronnke)

Live Stream Playlist

The vile bandit known as Fat Farlsbag, already notorious for the kidnapping and murder of dozens of good folk over many years, has struck again, but this time, he’s gone too far. He abducted Lady Adelheid von Tussen-Hochen mere days before her wedding to Graf Konrad of Hopfberg. The Graf placed a massive bounty on the bandit’s head but that only caused Fat Farlsbag to murder the poor girl and flee south into the Grey Mountains, laughing that he would never be caught. A hundred Men and Dwarfs marched into the mountains to bring him to justice …

The PCs were among them, hungry for justice, vengeance, or just their part of the bounty.

But things went ill.

The PCs consists of:
  • Christoph Jäger : A dark-eyed tracker and ranger (and secret hedge-wizard) who prefers cities and easy jobs (legal or not).
  • Enfys Loom Good-natured pyromancer apprentice, loves laughing, mixed company, and inappropriate jokes.
  • Jörg Lange : A tireless and grim veteran; known for his days as a war hero but now disgraced and currently looking for a new purpose in life.
  • Queen Coppertong A mildly delusional Dwarf merchant who has lost everything thanks to that foul bandit and now wants blood-soaked revenge.
  • Sören Roth Friendly rogue originally from Bögenhafen with sticky fingers and a fast mouth.

0x01: The Cold Bounty, Part 1

  • The PCs appear to be among the sole survivors of a terrible battle that just transpired, where greenskins – orcs, goblins, snotlings – swarmed down out of the mountains and attacked.
  • Picking through the carnage, they discover a Dwarf named Drori Stonebeard who is lightly wounded and somewhat dazed. More importantly, they note the approach of a terrible storm and seek shelter, locating a cave that will serve.
  • Inside this cave are three dire wolves and they attack. Two of the wolves are slain and a third flees.
  • Deeper in the cave, they discover an ancient Dwarf doorway, long since frozen over, and Enfys spends some time melting the ice so they can open it. Beyond the door is a spiral ramp that leads down into the darkness…

GM Notes:

  • Major elements of The Cold Bounty adventure written by J.C. Connors and found on are used for this opening adventure. The characters are based on the pregens found there, tweaked and adjusted to fit the campaign and the setting.
  • At least one of the players has run the above adventure, so the ramp leading downward should have caught him by surprise.
  • I expected to get slightly further along and I don’t know why, particularly since there was a fight. This is the very first session so most of the players still haven’t gotten a feel for their characters yet. And I had to relearn the “don’t ask the group what it’s doing; ask individuals” lesson all over again.
  • My intent is to do a couple of sort of mini-adventures that leads into “The Enemy Within” proper, although I’m making a bunch of fairly major tweaks to that campaign for the Grognards out there who have run/played it in WFRP.