The Town Watchmen
  • GM: Rigil Kent
  • Christoph Jäger (FX Engineer)
  • Jörg Lange (Gigermann)
  • Queen Coppertong (Mel)
  • Sören Roth (Ronnke)

Live Stream Playlist

1×09: Chasing Shadows

  • Sören stares at the corpse of Sergeant Klumpenklug and coordinates with Franz Baumann over moving the body. He returns upstairs only to discover the false Klumpenklug has left. He reveals to the others – sans Enfys, who has apparently gone home for the night – that Klumpenklug may be dead. They initially think he’s drunk.
  • Upon returning to the barracks, Jörg is summoned to the captain’s office where Sergeant Überraschung is standing watch. They have a long conversation, complete with some quite excellent brandy, though Jörg feels like he missed something.
  • The following morning, Enfys is still missing and they look around for him, with Sören learning that he was seen heading north with Klumpenklug the night before.
  • The half shift passes quickly, though Coppertong is at the forge all day. Jörg debriefs Magistrate Richter, and then word spreads about the witch hunter attack upon the Steinhäger merchant house. Around midday, the three at the Schaffenfest encounter Jörg’s parents who are meeting with Josef Quartjin over some beers.
  • Christoph is convinced that he sees Sibylle, the witch who cast spells upon her, and pursues with Sören following, but loses her in the crowd.
  • The three head to the Blitzen mansion to inquire if Enfys is here, but the young man who answers replies that there is no guest of that name here. As the three are heading back, they observe a great number of witch hunters and their soldiers storming the Teugen Mansion. They are quickly tasked to serve as road guards (since they’re still wearing the Watch uniforms.) Johannes Teugen is slain.
  • And possibly worse, Morrslieb, the Chaos Moon, has risen full.
  • Now with dark setting in, the three pick up Coppertong and head to the barracks where Jörg reports to Sergeant Überraschung, relating everything he knows about Klumpenklug. She demands Sören elaborate, then orders them back into the sewers to retrieve this body. Sören is very irritated at Jörg for this.
  • They stop briefly at the Crossed Pikes for a drink and so Sören can discreetly telling Baumann to have the body placed in a good spot.
  • And then, grudgingly, they enter the sewers again with Morrslieb glaring down at them…

GM Notes:

  • Nosh is unavailable for a number of weeks due to work, so I decided to have Enfys abducted and will turn his disappearance into the investigation for the PCs while the witch hunters tear apart the town, looking for Franz Steinhäger and dealing with Ordo Septenarius stuff. I’m sure there isn’t a secondary plan going on somewhere…
  • For old school grognards, the changes here are definitely noticeable. Johannes Teugen was the bad guy in the original adventure (sorta) and I just killed him off, so clearly, my run has evolved a bit, mostly due to that assassination of the witch hunter (that I totally intended on being a session in and of itself until the player jumped the gun and caught me flat-footed).
  • Players always confound and the decision by Jörg to advise Überraschung instead of them heading to Klumpenklug’s off-base housing threw me for a minor loop. So … it’s back to the sewers!