Once upon a time, in the land of Clichéa, in the Kingdom of Generica, in the twelfth year of King Jon XVII, the land prospered. It was a period of uneasy peace, ten years since the Late Unpleasantness, and one year since the traitorous Luzar Drakeburne campaigned to usurp the Generic crown and was defeated. The king faced troubles from all sides; vassals plotting to take his throne, or gain their own; raiders terrorizing outlying farms; and neighboring kings awaiting opportunity to strike.
But far to the east, dark clouds gathered over Firemount: after a hundred years of silence, the Overlord of Nefaria recently sent his armies forth from the Black Tower and seized the neighboring Kingdom of Poorland. There is no doubt he next will march on Generica, his ancient enemy, and trod under foot any who stand in his path.
Meanwhile, a group of young, upstart adventurers of the Heroes’ Guild has formed a company of brothers-at-arms called The Company of the Bere (“bear,” not “beer”), and is about to be sent on their first mission…
Forgotten GreyLancErron
(Greyhawk + Forgotten Realms + DragonLance + Eberron)
It’s a generic medieval-fantasy campaign setting, based on traditional D&D material, that has roots going back to 2006 as a sort of in-joke in another gaming group, and originally intended for the D&D system. The worldbuilding centers around the imitation of the Crusader Kings 2 computer game. The campaign features heavy use of TV Tropes, with a strong Game of Thrones influence in its politics (that is, shamelessly ripped-off…err, an homage). As the worldbuilding was already well under-way on the Core Group Wiki, I decided not to relocate that information to Olympus.
Legends of Generica
See Campaign Info.
Tropes: Colour-Coded for Your Convenience, Genre Savvy: PCs (at least), Heroic Fantasy, Meaningful Name, Medieval European Fantasy, Medieval Stasis
I’m setting the tone of the campaign on the “silly-side of average,” like The Princess Bride or Stardust. I’m keeping the setting quasi-realistic, to the degree that I can, but allowing basic GURPS cinematic abilities, influenced to some degree by TV Tropes. The original D&D version would have started at 1st Level; this being GURPS, that means 150 points at the start—definitely still “green”—with their focus on eventual fame-&-fortune. The adventures themselves will be intentionally clichéd and simple, which should telegraph events for the properly genre-savvy—knowing it’s coming should be part of the fun. For the future, I’d like to get into some small-time realm-management, and of course, the campaign will undoubtedly end up featuring a long journey to take some McGuffin to Nefaria to destroy it before the Enemy can use it.
GM: Gigermann
This will be my first “real” campaign for the Olympus group since The Crusade back in 2011, and the first ever to be streamed on Twitch and recorded on YouTube. As a side note: I intend to blog some GM insights and behind-the-scenes stuff separately on my other blog site.