
Unconquerable, Part IV

ESET-robot_thumb…Continued. The Crew continued to resist the securitybots’ attempts to capture them, still cornered in the cryo-room, while Crewman Beqr cowered in the corner of the lab. The unidentified fog continued to fill the adjoined rooms, but dispersed out the open door, having little effect, as the Crew were in sealed vacc-suits.

Color Maps for Future Armada: InvictusSmith, in the lab, went for the stunned securitybot’s gauss rifle which he had previously knocked away and turned it on its former-owner, while Haank shifted to firing at the one still grabbing at Buck, who was backpedaling and trying to reload his gauss pistol. As Smith cleared the line of fire, Haank returned to firing on the robot in the lab; the two finally filled it with enough holes that it could no longer function. The Crew noticed that some of the cryo-tubes had been damaged by gunfire, resulting in some noticeable injuries to some of the occupants; Abe abandoned the fight and went to work trying to get to the injured to aid them, starting the process of waking them. Ella, almost panicked by the revelation, also abandoned the fight to help Abe, ordering the others to move the fight out into the lab, rather than risk the ship’s original crew any further. As Jones slipped through to the lab, he was caught by another securitybot coming in, and thrown out into the hall, where another pair were waiting for their opportunity to enter; he frantically tried to escape down the hall past them, gliding uncontrolled in freefall, barely escaping more gauss-fire. The robot in the lab turned to gun down Smith, who succumbed to his wounds after putting up an admirable fight; of the two androids in the hallway, one turned to pursue Jones, while the other followed into the lab. Buck spotted his captured gauss rifle floating nearby, and abandoned his pistol to reload the rifle instead; at the same time Haank’s pistol was emptied, and he began to reload. Sam had made his way to just beside the doorway, and pulled the floating “corpse” of one of the robots out of the doorway, covering himself from the incoming reinforcements; as one of the robots in the lab pressed through to the cryo room, Sam tossed the android-chassis at it, knocking it back. Haank was mid-reload when the other securitybot pressed past and grabbed him by the vacc-suit, to throw him out; he tried to finish, but for his being tossed about, ended up letting go of the magazine, and started trying to wriggle free. Sam saw Haank’s predicament and seized the opportunity of the android’s distraction to jump on its back, wrapping both arms around its head, (hopefully) blinding it. Meanwhile, Ella had spotted Smith floating away in the lab, and she pressed past the struggle in the cryo room to render first aid; the other securitybot ignored her as a non-combatant, continuing to press into the cryo room. He hung on for dear life as the robot tried to peel him off its head, while Haank slipped free and finished reloading, he and Buck firing into the thrashing android’s exposed flank. Some seconds later, the robot succeeded in dislodging Sam, and threw him through the doorway, and straight through the lab; Sam bounded off the ceiling and out into the hallway. With only Haank and Buck remaining in the fight, they concentrated fire on the remaining assailants until they finally succumbed.

With the fight over, and the fog mostly cleared, the Crew quickly collected themselves, knowing there would be more to come. They found Jones, unconscious and near-death, in an office down the hall; Haank did what he could on the spot, and guided him back to the lab. Ella finished her patch-job on Smith; he would live, but was in bad shape. Some minutes later, as Abe tended an opening cryo-tube, its occupant started awake with a scream, thrashing wildly about; the others observed Abe also scream, clutching his helmet, in some sort of reaction to his patient’s condition, before passing out. Haank quickly dove for a sedative hypo, and with Ella’s assistance in holding the injured crewman still, managed to administer it; the man settled down instantly, unconscious. Ella used some smelling-salts to awake Abe, who was then forced to dope himself with a powerful painkiller to combat a crippling headache.

Some minutes later, the endangered crew were tended to, and shaking off their long hypersleep; some had not survived. The Crew hurriedly discussed what to do next: they assumed there would be more security forces dispatched to their location at any time, which they would be hard-pressed to survive; they had to tend to their injured comrades, and now, those of the original crew that had been awakened; they still had no idea as to the whereabouts or disposition of the crew of the other free-trader that had docked; they still had no plan for the ship itself, except to move it to a new location. There was talk of cutting their losses and leaving (although Buck insisted they should keep the ship, until it was pointed out to him that since the original crew was aboard, and there was no ongoing war with the Zhodani, it would be considered an act of piracy to take it), but they were all in agreement that whatever their decision, they would not leave the original crewmen to fend for themselves against the securitybots, who were bent on following their last orders to place the crew in stasis. With Haank as the middleman, they discussed the situation with Crewman Beqr and his colleagues; they said the only way to take control of the ship was to disable the ship’s computers—it wouldn’t stop the autonomous security units, but it would allow them to control the ship itself, at which point they might be able to contain the security forces—two of the awakened crew were computer techs that could do the task.

Now resolved, the Crew knew the best place to attempt to disable the computer was from the bridge. They decided they would be better served by taking the maintenance crawl-ways back the way they had come, but they would have to get past the elevators, some still full of trapped androids. There was no choice but to press forward, so they all set out for the bridge.


  • Sam’s player was out for the session, so I took him over; he didn’t die on me, despite my efforts 😉
  • This session was mostly one big fight, especially considering it had started the previous session. No idea why it took so long, except that the androids were pretty damned tough, and refused to die, combined with our lack of preparation for this particular threat
  • The dice were still being pretty uncooperative, but less so than last time; pretty sure Jones experienced a malfunction at one point during the shooting
  • There was a lot of light grappling in this fight. Though Technical Grappling had been released already, we haven’t had the opportunity to wrap our heads around it, so we aren’t using it yet. Sam (ST10) was damned lucky to have held onto “the bull” for as long as he did
  • We very nearly lost both red-shirts in this one; would have been sad to see Smith go
  • Abe’s incident with the awakened crewman was planned between the GM and player, as an excuse to allow him to improve/reveal his latent psionic abilities
  • This session coincided with the theatrical release of Gravity, which the GM had seen before the rest of us; it was already having an influence on the zero-gravity antics (I’m betting the robots’ tactic of tossing the intruders down the hall was a result), but perhaps moreso next time, when everyone else has (probably) seen it as well