Insurgent Team Vanguard

Live Stream

Episode 1: The Diplomat, Part 1

  • On Phantine, Insurgent Team Vanguard receives a new mission from their contact, Kalen Brie: Katalana Wren, a Naboo diplomat and secret asset of Brie’s is dangerously close to being compromised by the Imperial Security Bureau after the ship she was on was heavily damaged by pirates. Brie needs the team to get aboard the space station where this is taking place, get her out, and do so quickly. To Luck, he will also add (discreetly) that if they can’t get her out, then she will need to be eliminated.
  • With limited time before they are scheduled to depart, the Team gets as much data as they can, as well as working landing permits on the space station, though this results in Bostco now owing something of a favor to the crimelord, Hobbs.
  • Brie arrives to pick them up before flying them to a rendezvous with a friendly corvette docked with the small freighter that will be taking them to the station. The captain of this corvette provides Luck with a beacon call that will summon the ship to cause a distraction.
  • The freighter captain, Kira Thalos, is eager but cautious, and very worried that their landing codes will trip alarms..
  • The team makes the jump to lightspeed and tensions run high…

Player Notes:

  • Way, way, way late recaps. Kept getting stupid busy. Trying to keep these minimal.
  • Mostly lots of planning, discussion options and general goofing off during this session.