The Survivors
  • GM: Rigil Kent
  • Christoph Jäger (FX Engineer)
  • Enfys Loom (Nosh)
  • Jörg Lange (Gigermann)
  • Queen Coppertong (Mel)
  • Sören Roth (Ronnke)

Live Stream Playlist

0x03c: Mutiny and the Beast, Part 3

  • A small group of goblins are standing watch over the makeshift siege engine and the team led by Jörg sneaks forward, intent on ambushing them. Sören impulsively has a “great” idea and decides to sneak around, then draw attention.
  • The skirmish breaks out and ends very badly for the goblins, with the survivors and their accompanying militia archers overwhelming the cowardly little creatures. Even still, the goblins manage to get a warning blast on the warhorn … one that is returned from the east.
  • Upon defeating the goblins and rescuing the captured human carpenter, Jörg orders the militia to get him back to Geissbach while they rush to assist the other team.
  • They reach a fortified goblin camp to discover that the attack has gone poorly: only a single roadwarden is still upright and is feverishly trying to stay alive; the five survivors attack in force and are able to crush the surviving goblins and their orc overlords. There are no survivors.
  • Back at Geissbach, the survivors are acclaimed as local heroes.

GM Notes:

  • The core elements of this session comes from Cubicle 7’s adventure, “Mutiny and the Beast” taken from Ubersreik Adventures III.
  • I wasn’t actually expecting the PCs to immediately rush to join the other team at the goblin camp and originally determined how that fight played out using Mass Combat: that ended … poorly for the villagers.
  • Christoph’s player will be out the next session due to other obligations … just as we’re getting into the actual adventure. 🙂