The Survivors
  • GM: Rigil Kent
  • Christoph Jäger (FX Engineer)
  • Enfys Loom (Nosh)
  • Jörg Lange (Gigermann)
  • Queen Coppertong (Mel)
  • Sören Roth (Ronnke)

Live Stream Playlist

1×02: The False Inheritance

  • The small convoy has arrived at Bögenhafen. After their drivers cover the (expected) entrance toll for laden wagons, they proceed to the House Steinhäger offices to begin the process of offloading their wares. While waiting outside the office, Christoph is addressed by Josef Quartjin, an old family friend who is a boatman and is present to do the same. They arrange to meet later at a riverside tavern.
  • After taking the wagons to a warehouse where members of the Teamsters’ Guild offload them, the five survivors are paid their final wages and allowed to seek their fortunes as they will. Both drivers thank them and head off.
  • After spending most of the night catching up with Josef and drinking their wages away, the survivors overnight at the tavern-slash-inn, and turn to individual tasks the following morning. Jörg is seeking out the families of the slain members of Die Grau Kompanie to pass on word of their deaths; Coppertong is checking into the schedule for hangings, then trying to find work at the Metalworker’s Guild; Christoph briefly flees the rapidly filling town to pray at the shrine to Taal outside the walls, then joins Enfys and Sören who are attempting to conduct research into the latter’s possible family.
  • In the end, the entire group reunite late in the day and head to the offices of Lock, Stock and Barl, Barristers; once inside, they realize that it is a trap when doors and windows are shut and barred from the outside. A voice calls out: ‘Kastor Lieberung! Otherwise known as the magister impedimentae of the cult of the Purple Hand! In the name of the Emperor, I arrest you and your companions for conspiring with Chaos, murder, theft, and other crimes hereinafter to be enumerated! Lay down your weapons and surrender!’
  • And then, there is a terrible sound heard from outside. Ripping noises and screams and more tearing sounds before it goes abruptly silent. Just as the survivors venture out to investigate, they discover the horrifying sight of multiple bodies torn apart. Bystanders moving to investigate the noises flee screaming and the PCs are discovered by the Town Watch standing over the bodies.
  • Following a night in prison, the five are taken before Chief Magistrate Richter whereupon they learn that a riot happened after the chaos and they are being blamed. A barrister named Osanna Winandus, whom the five know they did not hire due to the expense, takes their case and discusses privately with them: someone is setting them up but her benefactor or benefactors (who wish to remain private!) wish to oppose this. With their permission, she speaks to the magistrate privately, and he issues his judgement: at best, they’re guilty of disturbing the peace, so a year and a day serving in the Town Watch will is their punishment.
  • Escorted to the main barracks, they meet Captain Reiner of House Goertrin, who turns them over to Sergeant Rudi Klumpenklug; he will show them their duties.
  • They’re in the Town Watch now!

GM Notes:

  • Will be down Coppertong’s player due to family plans, so we’ve determined that she gets promptly tasked to work at the barrack’s anvil, repairing arms and armour.
  • Grognards will recognize the core elements from “Enemy in Shadows” or “Shadows Over Bögenhafen” (depending on which version of TEW you’ve played) but will also note that I included elements from the WFRP 4E “Starter Set.” That’s due to one of the players having gone through this before, so I wanted to change things up to ensure he’s still guessing.
  • Dropped the ball more than a couple of times, particularly with regards to Sören’s family questions.
  • The more time that has passed, the less happy I was with the session. Usual second-guessing and nitpicking.