The Town Watchmen
  • GM: Rigil Kent
  • Christoph Jäger (FX Engineer)
  • Jörg Lange (Gigermann)
  • Queen Coppertong (Mel)
  • Sören Roth (Ronnke)

Live Stream Playlist

1×11: The Fall of Night

  • The Watch squad suddenly find themselves attacked by crazed locals who charge madly forward. These lunatics do not seem to be particularly effective, though Sören is unlucky enough to take several grievous injuries. The rest of the squad, however, cut through them like they are reaping wheat.
  • Once the last of the madmen have fallen, the squad presses on to Fort Blackfire only to discover that it is basically in siege mode, having thrown back several mad attacks by the locals. Lieutenant Brotte, the ranking Watch officer, is momentarily hopeful that the squad are just the first of the reinforcements she sent for, then crestfallen when she learns no one at the main barracks know of their plight. Grievously injured herself, she brevets Jörg to full Sergeant as she already has a Korporal.
  • With a great shout, a massive force of locals surge toward the fort like mind-controlled madmen. Jörg is forced to assume command with Lieutenant Brotte’s injuries overwhelm her and she passes out, but he leads the defenders to a great victory. The attackers rout in all directions, leaving the vast majority of their number on the ground, dead or dying.
  • Though it felt like only moments, everyone is startled to realize it is full dark and Morrslieb hangs low over the town, bathing Bögenhafen in the eerie green light. Lieutenant Brotte, now once more awake, agrees to send Jörg’s squad to the nearby Shallyan Mercyhouse to seek medical aid.
  • En route, the squad enters a small Sigmar chapel that looks to have been attacked. Several bodies are present, but not the priest. Sören takes a number of altar relics for safe-keeping.
  • At the Mercyhouse, they find the Sigmar priest being attended to by Sister Brigitte who heals Sören. Both the priest and the sister agree to travel to the fort with the squad. Just as they are preparing to depart, they all hear someone trying to open a well-hidden trapdoor that is blocked by boxes. This is revealed to be Enfys! He cries out that they must stop them…
  • Just then, outside, there is a great tearing sound and a pinkish light stabs up into the sky. An immense daemon tears its way into the realworld.
  • And then, the screaming begins.

GM Notes:

  • Very late recap. Partially my bad. Mostly.
  • Nosh will be back next session.
  • We had a bye week as I realized I’d written myself into a corner and, in addition to having a very busy real life work week, I needed an extra week to (hopefully) figure out how to get out that corner.
  • The opening fight worked out pretty well (though I wasn’t expecting Sören to get as messed up as he was) but the mass combat was pretty much a wash.
  • Having Enfys show up where he did was a last minute addition that seemed like a great idea at the time, but turned out to be a really stupid one that has caused me a lot of heartache. Semi-professional tip: don’t be a dumbass like me.