The Town Watchmen
  • GM: Rigil Kent
  • Christoph Jäger (FX Engineer)
  • Enfys Loom (Nosh)
  • Jörg Lange (Gigermann)
  • Queen Coppertong (Mel)
  • Sören Roth (Ronnke)

Live Stream Playlist

1×12: Shadows Over Bögenhafen

  • Enfys wakes up, tied to a chair. He has vague memories of his brother and his brother’s wizard mentor, Etelka Herzen, discussing a great ritual that will destroy the town, but they leave before the “daemon” consumes them as well.
  • Enfys manages to escape and discovers several others in identical traits, including Christoph, Enfys’ enemy, Hans-Peter Schiller, Sergeant Überraschung, and Franz Steinhäger. The five escape but encounter a pair of guards.
  • Outside the cellar, the five discover that witch hunters are attacking the estate. While fleeing, they turn to find the thing wearing Sergeant Klumpenklug’s body pursuing them. It seizes Steinhäger, tears his heart out, and an explosion happens that throws Enfys toward one of the many magical mirrors placed around the grounds.
  • Enfys wakes to find himself in a cart while the rest of his squad are fighting human-sized daemons. An immense greater daemon lumbers over the town proper, causing much chaos and damage. The town guards scramble to defend the shrieking civilians they are trying to get to the gate and free of the town.
  • Once clear of the town, the new Watch members look back at the burning town as the daemon runs amok…

GM Notes:

  • Very late recap. Entirely my bad.
  • This was a session that looked a lot better on (digital) paper than it actually played out. If this had been a television show, it would have worked better, I think.
  • Having Christoph also tied to a chair was intended to be confusing for some of the players, but sadly, they just accepted it and didn’t question things, which made me sad.
  • No idea when (or even if) we’ll get back to this. I’m scheduled to run with my face-to-face group sometime after the first of the year, and there is zero chance I’m going to be running two games simultaneously.