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Dramatis Personæ

Brother Mendel (Herodian)
Dane Sardock (Winston)
Gabriel Auditore (Rigil Kent)
Gestlin the Unpredictable (CommJunkee)
Magnifico the Clown (Feste)
Rainald North-Hammer (Gigermann)


Of Rumours and Questions

22 Apr 2014

In the morning, the Heroes split up.

Rainald went to the docks to help the crew with the ship’s maintenance, and help them get Gestlin’s wagon unloaded and reassembled for Magnifico, along with the flimsy, makeshift cages for Primus and Secundus—designed for onlookers’ peace-of-mind rather than keeping the dragons restrained. Between work shifts, Rainald made his way up and down the river’s docks and spoke with the sailors there about whatever might be of interest, and perhaps any sightings of Lord Wallace or the Merry Weather, the barge that had brought him downriver through Craine. Later in the day at some of the sailors’ suggestion, Rainald visited the office of the port authority. Given the impatient, agitated patrons loitering in the office lobby, he was surprised to be served so quickly—perhaps a perk of his status as Lord of Rainaldsheim? The small, well-mannered clerk led him to the archives and pulled down from the shelves a massive folio containing the port records for the specified period. Rainald realized then that he should have brought along someone who could read, and informed the clerk that he “would have to do the honors” for him; the clerk read aloud the pertinent information: the Merry Weather had indeed stopped in Craine for a couple of days about a year ago, though no accounting of passengers was available, nor its business at port. The clerk politely and professionally refused Rainald’s gift of a silver piece for his aid until it was “carelessly” dropped on the floor; Rainald helped the clerk put the heavy record-book back in its place, thanked the man again, and took his leave.

Gabriel and Gestlin made their way to the city’s market districts to ask after encounters with Lord Wallace when he undoubtedly stopped in Craine. The two both spotted a familiar sigil, that of House Berd, which belonged to the Lord of Fordham in Caithness, above the door of the hall of the Aldenard Trading Company. Thinking Lord Wallace would surely have done business with fellow Caithnessers, they strode up to the door and knocked. They were met at the door by a clerk, who led them into the lavishly-decorated lobby, full of rare curiosities from all over the known world (which Gestlin managed not to knock over). Upon inquiry, the clerk informed the two that this company was owned and run by Hagen Berd, nephew to Lord Fordham, and traded in various goods, but his master was unavailable to meet with them; he instead offered to give his master word of their desire to speak. Gabriel sensed the man was hiding the truth, and taking care that his dragon tattoos were visible to him, forcefully demanded again to see his master; the clerk took umbrage and demanded the two leave the premises. Gestlin made a valiant attempt to defuse the situation, but the clerk would not budge an inch, promising only that the master would be informed of their wishes, and that they would be contacted at their lodging when he became available. Seeing they would learn nothing more from the man, the two left; Gabriel told Gestlin of his suspicions as they returned to the square.

Magnifico, along with Brother Mendel, had borrowed Gestlin’s wagon intending to take the dragons on a street-tour of the city in advertisement of the show he intended to perform that evening, expecting someone would stop him and tell him where he needed to go to obtain proper permission for such an event. The spectacle drew throngs of onlookers immediately—a dragon of any kind was a rare sight indeed—and they were stopped by the city guard, who were rather less informed regarding administrative matters than Magnifico had hoped. They instead turned the wagon about and headed in the direction of the city’s arena, followed all the way by a crowd of the curious. But when they arrived, they saw that the arena was vacant—an off day—and the playbill indicated no shows to be performed therein this day. Then they continued to the town hall, crowds still following, and begged an audience with the city’s masters. The audience was granted, and they discovered that permission to perform at the arena would be ludicrously expensive, especially on such short notice as this, but as the administrators were eager to disperse the crowd, they settled on a permit to perform in the market square in the evening for five gold marks; between the Magnifico and Brother Mendel, they gathered and paid the fee, and went their way, expecting to recover their money and much more.

bs-CrimsonMugDane spent the day relaxing at the Crimson Mug inn, listening, carefully and discreetly, to the conversations amongst the soldiers and mercenaries drinking and eating there throughout the day. As afternoon approached, the rest of the Heroes began to trickle in from their business in the city to join him. Rainald told of his findings at the port authority. Gabriel and Gestlin told of their experience at the guild-hall. Magnifico and Brother Mendel were the last to arrive at the inn, and as they did, they informed the others of “the show”; Rainald volunteered to help manage the crowd, and there was talk of enlisting Gestlin’s magical talents for the performance. (Also, they discussed the need for a collapsible “stage” to be added to the wagon for future occasions such as this.)

Some time later, a well-dressed man claiming to be Hagen Berd arrived at the inn and found the Heroes at their corner. They invited him to their table and asked what business he might have done with Lord Wallace, and when he might have seen him last; he, in return, asked many questions of them, about what they knew or didn’t know, but in turn revealed little, raising much suspicion regarding his motives. Then, a very drunk man at a table across the room spotted the man and waved in a friendly manner, calling out his name as “Valorus”; the man who had claimed to be Hagen Berd quickly excused himself and left the inn in a hurry, ignoring the drunk man’s attempts to get his attention.

Gabriel left immediately after, and discreetly followed behind “Valorus” as he hurried down the street, constantly looking over his shoulder. Gabriel observed as he met with a man garbed in the uniform of a Templar Knight, who then escorted “Valorus” back to the Aldenard guild-hall before leaving him there. Meanwhile, back at the inn, the others bought the drunk man another drink and attempted to coax from him more information about this “Valorus” fellow and what he might have been up to; he didn’t know him well—just drank with him sometimes—but he did confirm that it was not Hagen Berd they had spoken to. This man, a furrier by trade, had been commissioned on a number of occasions to make fur coats for Master Berd’s many mistresses, though he had never met him in person, nor knew any more of his dealings.

Some time later, Gabriel returned and shared his discovery, and Dane began to put the pieces of the puzzle together: Lord Wallace had a long-standing grievance regarding the appointment, against his many objections, of the royalist Lord Fordham as regent of the Caithnesser kingdom on the Huallapan world after the Crusade’s end, and there had been no love lost between them since; also, the Templars had not much of a presence in Caithness until the appointment of the late Bishop Zabka, a Templar agent, to the Archdiocese of Photius, and could gain much standing both in Caithness and the Otherworld through collusion with Lord Fordham, and the rebel Lord Wallace’s popularity could interfere with their backing of the more sympathetic royalist barons. Between the two factions, there was certainly plenty of motivation to do Lord Wallace harm. But “the show must go on,” and so, the Heroes discussed what to do next.


  • This is the first time Rainald’s illiteracy actually reared its head in-game
  • Brother Mendel’s player was late this session, or he might have gone with Rainald earlier; worked out anyways, since he’s an integral part of the traveling dragon show (that keeps getting bigger every time we stop)

Dramatis Personæ

Brother Mendel (Herodian)
Dane Sardock (Winston)
Gabriel Auditore (Rigil Kent)
Gestlin the Unpredictable (CommJunkee)
Magnifico the Clown (Herodian, for Feste)
Rainald North-Hammer (Gigermann)


Of Pirates and Soldiers

14 Apr 2014

bs-64-screen2With little time to think things through before the ambushers repositioned themselves, Gabriel and Rainald got a long running start and launched themselves as far out as they could into the river. Gabriel, the best swimmer among the Heroes, executed a perfect dive and made quickly for the shore, while Rainald entered the water rather clumsily, and had a bit of a hard time getting himself sorted before he finally made progress toward the riverbank. Gestlin, holding an Exploding Fireball, and Dane, his bow, scanned the shoreline for clear targets; they could see little but shadows for the trees and undergrowth that veiled the enemy’s movements. Gabriel reached the shore well before Rainald, and hauled himself into the long grass that dominated the land here, creeping forward as quickly as the terrain would allow, in an attempt to get a view of their attackers; he slid behind a tree and activated his Elvish Hunter’s Cloak, making him practically invisible in the shadows there. He could see the enemy just ahead, moving together as a unit, as a “voice” commanded them to form a shield wall; Gabriel could make out crossbows in the rank behind the shields and spears—these were not mere brigands, but trained soldiers. As the enemy was forming up, Gestlin saw just enough through the trees from his elevated position on the ship, and let fly the Explosive Fireball he had been holding; it landed amidst the formation, but the enemy was undeterred—disciplined; this would be no easy fight. Gabriel attempted to sneak around to the flank of the formation as quickly as he could through the slog of mud and swamp-grass, but was miraculously spotted by the “Voice,” who alerted the formation to his presence. Meanwhile, Gestlin cast Walk on Air upon Rainald, who, as he swam furiously forward, found himself climbing out of the water. Rainald pushed back his initial shock, got to his feet, and charged forward, just above the height of the tall grass. Brother Mendel crafted a Complex Illusion, making himself appear larger and louder, wreathed in flame, swearing Doom upon the ambushers, but the enemy took little notice of the display, being focused on the fighters before them by their commander. The “Voice” alerted his men to the presence of Gestlin, now high in the air and closing, as a result of another Walk on Air spell; another Fireball was loosed down upon the formation, but the soldiers held fast, firing their crossbows as they had opportunity, passing empty weapons to the rear as loaded weapons were passed forward. bs-64-screen1Gabriel, having arrived at the flank of the formation, found himself engaged with enemy spearmen while tangled in a nasty thicket that proved itself the enemy’s ally; Gabriel took a bodkin-point through his cuirasse, but struggled on. Rainald finally joined the fray, and after pausing to take a bolt or two in his shield, charged over the formation, intent on hitting the crossbowmen to the rear. Rainald and Gabriel both spotted the “Voice” emerging from the trees behind the formation, a giant of a man bearing a massive greatsword; the enemy’s captain spotted Rainald flying over his shield-wall and recognized him, calling out his name in surprise. But Gabriel and Rainald did not yet recognize the man in return; Gabriel continued to struggle through the thicket as Rainald spiraled down from above to the rear of the formation. The enemy captain took a receiving stance, demanding the Heroes lay down their weapons or face death. Gabriel attempted to attack the man, but thanks to the enemy thicket, he not only failed to connect, but caught a heavy blow to the ribs that dropped him to the ground. Perhaps it was something in the way the massive soldier swung the greatsword with such grace that caught Rainald’s attention, for he was reminded that this mountain of a man before him was an ally of Wallace from the Huallapan Crusade, Sir Rodham Malfoy. As Gabriel crawled out of the greatsword’s range, bleeding profusely and clinging to consciousness, a very confused Rainald and desperate Sir Rodham continued to posture and threaten one another until Rainald, in a moment of clarity, demanded to know what all this was about before the former-allies ended up killing one another for no good reason. When Sir Rodham declared that he was after the ship’s cargo, Rainald understood the situation, and offered to parley; Sir Rodham agreed, and commanded his men to stand down, then Rainald bellowed, “PARLEY!” for the others’ benefit—Brother Mendel was levitated halfway across the river at that point, and Gestlin was about to cast Walk on Air on Dane, who had yet to even lay eyes on the enemy.

The fight now ceased, Rainald told Sir Rodham that there was no cargo to speak of aboard the ship, but that he could see for himself; Sir Rodham demanded they disarm, but when Rainald swore an oath that the man would not be harmed, he relented and sent his men to fetch a boat, and to bind Gabriel’s wounds—Gabriel would remain ashore as a hostage.

bs-malfoySir Rodham Malfoy was a landed knight of Donlis, and Lord-Commander of the Iron Lancers, who had proven themselves very capable during the Crusade against the Vasa. But he was dishonored after the last battle of the Crusade, when he ordered his men to come to the aid of Lord Wallace as he had promised, in defiance of orders given by Krandall Marsden, Lord of Donlis and Lathan Redbeard, Lord of Redhall, to remain in the village of Tooktook. Afterward, Lord Donlis swore that there would be dire consequences, and upon their return to Caithness, Sir Rodham was stripped of his titles and lands. Destitute, living with his family at a monastery, Sir Rodham returned from a hunt one day to find his wife and young son murdered, hanging from a tree. Sir Boris Marsden, son of Lord Donlis, had hung a distinctive coin ’round Sir Rodham’s wife’s neck as a taunt; Sir Rodham hunted down and killed Sir Boris, stringing him up on a tree by his own entrails. Now an outlaw, Sir Rodham and his Iron Lancers lived on what they could take from the river.

The disgraced knight told his tale of woe as they rowed over to the ship, continuing as Rainald and Captain Finn showed him to the hold. He “claimed” the small amount of trade goods there, and Finn agreed that it wasn’t worth fighting over and allowed Sir Rodham’s men to take it. Their “business” concluded, the Heroes told Sir Rodham of their mission to find Lord Wallace, and he admitted he had not seen him pass through this way, but agreed that if he did encounter him later, he would see him returned home. Rainald then promised Sir Rodham that after they found Lord Wallace, or what had become of him, they would return to help Sir Rodham restore his good name and get his revenge, and if they could not, that Lord Wallace would undoubtedly take him in.


bs-craineSeven days later, after the ambush in the Donlis swampland, the Gleaming Endeavor arrived at the confluence of the River Smoke and the River Conn, far inside the Megalan border; the next stop in the Heroes’ journey, Craine, the largest city in Western Megalos, lay just ahead. They berthed the ship at the city’s docks, and paid the usual fees; along with taking on fresh provisions, there was regular maintenance that needed doing, which would take a few days. Gabriel had clearly been to Craine before in his travels; he made a few recommendations on which tavern they should hit first—they made for the Crimson Mug, an establishment frequented by soldiers and mercenaries. Gabriel would join them later, as he needed to take Cometes out for a ride, to stretch his legs. (The others were not aware that he intended to ride past the home where he grew up, here in Craine—Gabriel had never spoken of it.)

The Heroes, and the crew of the Gleaming Endeavor, spent the better part of the day drinking and relaxing, listening to rumors and stories told by the other patrons. A Megalan mercenary staggered over to the Heroes’ corner table; the man took issue with Gabriel, obviously Megalan, hanging out with all these backstabbing Caithnessers—he said something about a raid into Caithness, or by Caithness, and someone getting killed by Caithnessers. Brother Mendel began to defuse the situation with drink(s), as usual, but as the inebriated soldier continued to try to pick a fight, Gestlin caused him to Sleep instead. Perhaps feeling somewhat sorry for the man, some silver was passed to one of the nearby prostitutes, and Rainald carried the sleeping fellow upstairs to her room, leaving him there in her (bored, as he was unconscious) company. A bit later, some other Megalan soldiers at a nearby table were talking about a situation brewing in Al-Wazif, and Bannock in particular, that created an undeniable opportunity to retake the city for Megalos; Rainald brought a round of drinks to their table and joined them for a while, coaxing out the details, as he was “looking for mercenary work.” Meanwhile, there had been a couple of minstrels playing on opposite sides of the room, but during a break, Magnifico took advantage of the lull to play and sing himself, a new song he had written about the deeds of Lord Wallace; the song was well-received by the patrons, drawing calls for more, and more than one round of free drinks, but this time, no accounts of encounters with Lord Wallace here. Then, as the day drew down, the Heroes and the crew made arrangements to lodge for the night, eager for a night in a bed that didn’t sway with the waves.


  • Magnifico’s player was out this week; the character was taken up by Herodian in his stead when called for
  • Rainald was using a default Swimming skill of 8, and I had little confidence that he would make the swim in any reasonable amount of time (if at all), but I was committed to the action already; as it turned out, after swallowing some water and 5 seconds of flailing about, he managed to get moving in spite of it. He will be getting a point in Swimming this time, though—not suffering that again
  • All the party members (except Gestlin, who is new) had received a Hunter’s Cloak, a gift from the Elves of Harkwood in the latter days of Book I; these are not self-powered, so they require FP expenditure on the part of the weilder to activate
  • Gabe’s player had a really bad day at the dice, combined with some regrettable choices in his angle of approach; he was at ½-¼ Move/Dodge for the entire fight, and made a lot of bad rolls on top of that, to add insult to injury. C’est le jeu
  • Once again we really should have backed off and evaluated the tactical situation rather than charge madly and disorderly into the fray—it could easily have gone far worse, and Sir Rodham is no joke with that greatsword. On the other hand, if we had beaten them soundly and/or killed Sir Rodham, it really would have been a shame, in retrospect, given the sympathetic nature of his story. In any case, I still want to know if Rainald could have beaten him in single combat…we may do a test-fight later, just to see

Dramatis Personæ

Brother Mendel (Herodian)
Gabriel Auditore (Rigil Kent)
Gestlin the Unpredictable (CommJunkee)
Magnifico the Clown (Feste)
Rainald North-Hammer (Gigermann)


Of Comedies and Tragedies

7 Apr 2014

bs-koggeThe Heroes arose early the next morning, and were treated to a generous breakfast meal by their host. After they had eaten, Master Cray bade them ask of him what they would; the only thing they could think to need beside the ship already provided was a decent map covering the lands they were to journey through. A servant fetched a purse for Master Cray, and they left straightaway for the Simonton docks, to a well-known mapmaker there. Once some suitable maps were procured, Master Cray escorted the Heroes to the Gleaming Endeavor and introduced them to the captain, a gruff, grey-haired man called Finn, with whom they made arrangements for the immediate loading of their things. Most decided to sell their horses, though Gabriel would not part with Cometes (to none’s surprise); Rainald decided to leave his very-strong horse, Greyfell, with Master Cray, to keep until their return. Captain Finn was already informed about Gestlin’s wagon, though it was a bit bigger than he was prepared for; they decided to remove the wheels and axles, and lashed it to the deck. Captain Finn was not informed of the presence of the two dragons before, and balked at the idea of bringing them along; he insisted they be caged, but Magnifico soothed his fears with some circus tricks to prove their discipline, and the Captain relented that they should be kept on a leash instead, sleeping atop the wagon as usual. The Captain introduced his crew, including Shaun, Tully, and two dark-skinned fellows, brothers, named Bombatta and Zuba; he had to let some of his people go to make room for his passengers, and insisted that any among the Heroes who were able should help out—Rainald volunteered without hesitation, having quite a bit of experience with small sailing vessels; the others all followed suit as well, offering whatever service they were good for. They immediately went to work helping with the loading of provisions and such, including a deer or two for the dragons, and were under way before noon.


That evening, the Captain invited the Heroes to his cabin for supper, and as they ate, he discussed the particulars of the journey: he expected around two weeks before they would reach Craine, in Megalos, where they would take on provisions, though they would stop along the way for fresh water and such. He then inquired about the Heroes’ mission, and what his part was expected to be; they decided they had nothing to hide, and told him of the facts known regarding Lord Wallace’s disappearance. Captain Finn suggested that Lord Wallace might have been taken captive by Wazifi slavers at the Sa’azaraq Straits, though none were aware of any ransom demands, which suggested Wallace might be keeping his identity secret.

Satisfied with what he’d been told, and noting Magnifico’s appearance as an entertainer, Captain Finn suggested he entertain the crew for the evening. Atop the aft-castle, Magnifico played out the story of the Heroes’ adventures together before and during the Huallapan Crusade, greatly embellished for dramatic effect, enhanced as in the old days by Brother Mendel’s magical illusory illustration. The Captain and the crew were greatly impressed, such that they were excited to be a part of this new adventure alongside them.

Several days later the Gleaming Endeavor arrived at the river-town of Donlis toward the evening, and stopped there for the night. The Heroes decided to take their ease at a somewhat-higher class of establishment this time; Magnifico had a plan to do some entertaining there, and win the crew a free round of drinks. He strode brazenly up to the tavern’s proprietor and announced his intentions; though the man was disinclined at first, Magnifico smooth-talked him into allowing him to entertain the patrons. Once again, Magnifico played out the Heroes’ story, with Brother Mendel’s illustration, and now with the crew of the Gleaming Endeavor to cheer him on as well—he even worked the crew into the story, though they were not originally there. But Magnifico had a hidden agenda; he made certain to focus on Lord Wallace’s participation in their adventures, such that someone who might have seen him recently might recognize him—and so it was, that one of the tavern patrons declared that he knew that man, Wallace. Again, at the end, Magnifico’s talents were rewarded with the praise of his audience, and many rounds of drink as he had intended. Rainald took the occasion to speak to the man who had said he had seen Lord Wallace, and extracted his story: this man was among the crew of the barge that Lord Wallace had taken from Simonton, and had been with him for some weeks, before the barge turned back at Bannock, as was their schedule—the barge was not seaworthy, and could not cross Keyhole Bay—he last saw Lord Wallace at Bannock, and had heard nothing more since.


After a pleasant evening, the Heroes and the crew returned to the ship and set sail once again. Downriver of Donlis was a vast, shallow swampland, treacherous to navigate without a local guide, but the Captain had oft sailed these waters and knew them well. A day or so later, a body was spotted in the reeds near the riverbank, shot in the back with arrows, and not long dead by the look of it. They fished the body out of the river, and Brother Mendel cast a spell to Speak with the Dead, learning only that the dead man’s boat had been attacked from the riverbank by a hail of arrows before he had perished. Though piracy in these parts was not unusual, they normally let go their prey, taking only the cargo—the Captain agreed they should be wary, and all donned their armor. Soon after, they spied a column of smoke in the distance, and as they crept carefully forward down the river, they came upon the burning, half-sunk wreck of a riverboat—it bore a harpoon stuck deep in the rear quarter, the line cut. Seeing no sign of ambush, they continued past the wreck. Ahead, Brother Mendel and Gabriel spied what appeared to be rope below the water’s surface spanning the width of the river—a trap, meant to tear the rudder from the ship’s keel, by Gabriel’s reckoning. Captain Finn acted quickly, commanding the crew to drop the anchor and bring the ship to a full-stop; the ship strained at the line and drifted with the current, swinging ’round astern to rest a few paces before the trap. Gestlin charged up a large Fireball and blasted a log on the bank where the ropes were attached, throwing spray and splinters high into the air. Magnifico commanded Primus and Secundus to fly, and they circled wide overhead. The others scrambled about the deck to face their invisible attackers. Then, as Gestlin charged up another Fireball, someone spotted movement some distance ahead in the trees along the riverbank—men approaching, undoubtedly the pirates—and they all prepared to do battle.


  • Winston was AWOL this week; fortunately Dane wasn’t truly needed, though he definitely will be next time
  • Cometes is Gabriel’s Animal Ally, an exceptional white horse—obviously he would be going along no matter what; similarly, Gestlin’s wagon is a signature item (literally?), and would not be left behind
  • Magnifico’s player ended up rolling a “5” for both performances, plus assistance bonus from Mendel; needless to say his story was well received. The combination of Magnifico’s storytelling and Mendel’s illusions hails from the Book I adventures; anytime someone needed to be told what happened before, we’d break out the “newsreel footage”
  • There was a bit of discussion at the end about how best to clear 20yds of river to the bank, to get the fighters to land to deal with the enemy; Gabriel is an excellent swimmer, but Rainald is most definitely not (he’s at default), as is Radskyrta. At the end, we were prepared to jump as far as we could to get some distance, but success is far from certain—maybe a better plan will emerge before next session

Dramatis Personæ

Brother Mendel (Herodian)
Dane Sardock (Winston)
Gabriel Auditore (Rigil Kent)
Gestlin the Unpredictable (CommJunkee)
Magnifico the Clown (Feste)
Rainald North-Hammer (Gigermann)


Of Robbers and Businessmen

29 Mar 2014

Magnifico demanded the one captive taken from the fight at the Ferrier bridge give up his employer; being in no condition to fight back or escape, the brigand told the Heroes of “The Seven,” a local robber-gang that operates out of the city. Shortly thereafter, the city watch finally showed up to collect the dead, wounded and incarcerated. Upon the Heroes’ inquiry, the guard-sergeant admitted that the watch here was woefully short-handed and powerless to do anything about the gang’s activities; they controlled several areas in town, one of interest being a tavern down the street a bit. After a brief discussion, the Heroes determined that they should do what they could to stamp out this menace, such that it would trouble the good people of Caithness (themselves, in particular) no more, and made their way over to the indicated tavern to “kick the hornets’ nest” and see what might come out. On the building’s eaves, they spotted a “7” scratched into the wood, and deduced they’d arrived at the right place. Radskyrta stayed outside with Gestlin’s wagon, the horses and the dragons, while the rest dismounted.

Ext. Karlstadt Tavern street set

A couple of ne’er-do-wells loitered outside the door, one of whom asked after the price of one of the dragons; Magnifico insisted they were not for sale at any price, and insulted the man when he continued to press, in disregard of Magnifico’s very serious, and final answer. Then the party pushed past and entered the establishment.

The tavern was packed with patrons—probably half the town’s population—with a number of topless female employees making their way from table to table in search of coin, by one means or another. Dane found an empty chair near a table, while the rest squeezed in at the bar. Magnifico loudly announced their presence to all present, but for lack of anything further to announce, the denizens quickly lost interest in the brightly arrayed, hunchbacked old man. The Heroes ordered drinks, and as they sipped, they scanned the crowd for seedy characters that might have taken notice of their presence, or their purses. One of the wenches identified Gestlin as a potential mark, and sidled up to him to work her magic, flustering him greatly. Magnifico “rescued” him with a song of Enthrallment, and the woman clung to him instead; he began to hint to her at his desire to speak with “The Boss,” offering what would turn out to be too little coin for the information, and she moved on to looser purses elsewhere. The Clown then turned to the bartender toward the same purpose, quoting a line from a famous play. With no knowledge of that play, thus without the proper context, the bartender took it the wrong way (or the right way, really); smiling, he offered the Heroes another round of drinks on the house. After having drunk the second round, Rainald, Gestlin and Magnifico passed out in place, poisoned; Brother Mendel and Gabriel were still nursing their first cup, and Dane wasn’t at the bar to be served the second, so they alone remained conscious, to see the half-dozen or so sword-armed thugs make their way through the crowd toward them. In a flash, Gabriel drew his rapier and assumed a fighting stance, as the bartender demanded the surrender of their weapons on their sleeping friends’ lives, and commanded his men to bar the door. The crowd continued their revelry as if this were a common sight at this establishment. Gabriel was still indignant at the earlier ambush, and seeing his fellows poisoned so, quickly regarded the enemy forces; they were not a match even for the three of them, and after confirming the others’ readiness by subtle nod, declined the bartender’s demand with a flash of steel.


Two thugs charged Gabriel, who danced ’round them, killing one. Two thugs charged Brother Mendel and stabbed him twice; he fell seated, back against the bar. One thug found Dane at his table, and managed to cut him down as he fumbled for his bow. One thug charged over to Gestlin and grabbed him by the hair, pulling his head back to slit his throat; out of the corner of his eye, Gabriel spotted Gestlin’s impending doom, and quick-drawing his magical elven throwing-blade, flung it at the would-be murderer, striking him deep between the fourth and fifth ribs. Brother Mendel’s attackers both had him at sword-point, so he feigned compliance; eschewing obvious casting movements or words, he magically healed himself, then Dane, and looked to the others. Dane recovered and drew his shortsword, and after a brief exchange, slashed his attacker near-fatally, as a few more armed thugs pressed through the crowd to join the fray. Gabriel felled another while slipping over to finish off Gestlin’s would-be murderer as he reached for his dropped weapon, then turned to meet two of the newcomers. The bartender, who had not raised a hand thus far, produced a loaded hand-crossbow, and again demanded Gabriel surrender, or Brother Mendel would die. Gabriel glanced back at Mendel, who despite the two sword-points at his chest signaled that he had his situation sorted; again Gabriel refused the bartender’s demand, contorting his body out of the path of the bartender’s crossbow bolt as he turned his blade on the other thugs. As Brother Mendel’s attackers moved on their leader’s command, he Commanded one of his attackers to drop his weapon and swatted the other’s sword away with his quarterstaff, before blasting him in the chest with a Sunbolt, burning him near-through and setting his clothing ablaze. bs-6_2_fight2Meanwhile, Dane exchanged with another foe interposed between himself and his endangered fellows, and was struck again, driven back. At the same time, Gabriel had his two new opponents bleeding and on their backs when the bartender finally screamed, “Enough!” and called out to his men to stand down. As the thugs that were still able backed away at their leader’s command, Gabriel and Dane relaxed a bit, and started to collect their sleeping comrades to leave. Brother Mendel however had not taken the inhospitality well, and darted around the open end of the bar, saying, “God will forgive you. But I will not!” before blasting the bartender with a Sunbolt to the chest, setting him afire like a screaming, flailing man-torch.

The thugs made no attempt at retaliation; the unconscious Rainald, Gestlin and Magnifico were dragged out of the tavern by their fellows, and heaved into Gestlin’s wagon. Still defiant, Brother Mendel used a Scribe spell to deface the “7” on the eaves. Fearing further attempts on their lives if they were to remain in town, they decided instead to immediately leave town, and camp down the road—were they not on a mission, they might have loitered nearby and finished the job more thoroughly. At camp an hour later, Rainald came to. The others took a bit more effort, both being of lesser constitution; Mendel spent some hours to perform a weave to rid them of the poison. By the time they returned to their travels in the morning, all were healed and refreshed.


6 Apr 2014


After another week on the road, the Heroes arrived at Simonton, and approached the gates openly, remembering their past exploits in the walled city’s defense from the Vasar advance. At the gate, they saw the memorial statue of Dane watching over the road to the West, and all marveled at what it must be like to have their own town where they were the hero-of-legend. Dane, however, had no interest in the trappings of fame, though he immediately found them thrust upon him as the townsfolk reacted to his presence with excitement, thronging him. A sergeant-of-the-guard, eager to meet the Hero of Simonton, led them to the manor of Alistare Cray, wealthy merchant father of Lady Justalyn, father-in-law of Lord Wallace.

Master Cray welcomed the Heroes at his gate, having received word by Lady Justalyn’s messenger some days ago to arrange for their voyage to find Lord Wallace, though he was very surprised to see a pair of dragons with them. After some deliberation, they all decided to house Primus and Secundus at one of his warehouses at the city’s docks. Afterward, when the Heroes had time to refresh after their long journey, Master Cray returned to see to the Heroes’ needs for the mission ahead. They asked about all the particulars of Lord Wallace’s disappearance, what was known and unknown, and what preparations had been made. Master Cray appeared forthright and open, and gave them all the information he had; he had arranged for Lord Wallace and his Master-of-Coin to travel by ship to Yibyorak a year ago, and had received no word from his contacts there that Lord Wallace had ever arrived; there were a number of places along the journey known for pirate activity, though they usually went only after cargo, tending to let the ships go without further molestation; he had a ship, the Gleaming Endeavor, prepared for the Heroes a couple of days ago, able to take on Gestlin’s wagon and their horses, with no further cargo to be carried save for provisions for the journey, which was expected to take around a month—it was ready to go as soon as they wanted to leave. After some discussion, it was unanimously agreed that they would get right to it, staying the night in Simonton and embarking first thing in the morning.


  • Lesson Learned: When you kick the hornets’ nest, have a plan, and don’t try to be too clever 😛
  • When Magnifico turned his attention to the bartender, he ended up rolling a Critical Failure on Streetwise
  • When the swords came out, those that were still standing evaluated the situation; the enemy were not armored, and had no shields, and Gabriel figured he could take (enough of) them, but it would be a gamble, especially if the dice decided not to cooperate—could easily have been a TPK, and we very nearly lost Gestlin on his second session, if not for a very lucky, perfect throw by Gabriel
  • The enemy of the previous runs of this campaign were aliens from another world, and used a “new” magic referred to as “weaving” (due to the somatic motions of those using it), represented by Ritual Path Magic; in the course of things, Brother Mendel learned how to do it, though he’s no expert at it
  • Between the time the Heroes returned from the Otherworld and went back to it on Crusade (outside the game), they fought in several sieges against the Vasar, mostly losing ground the whole way; Simonton was such a siege, and the city was ultimately lost, though the Heroes’ efforts, with Dane as general, resulted in much of the population’s escape to the South
  • Magnifico’s dragons, Primus and Secundus, were taken after their mother and father were slain by the Heroes in the Otherworld—these dragons are not native to Yrth—and raised by Magnifico over the last ten years. In the previous run, they were small and mostly just a curiosity, but now they’re big enough that traveling with them is proving…complicated

Dramatis Personæ

Brother Mendel (Herodian)
Dane Sardock (Winston)
Gabriel Auditore (Rigil Kent)
Gestlin the Unpredictable (CommJunkee)
Magnifico the Clown (Feste)
Rainald North-Hammer (Gigermann)
Radskyrta (GamingBallistic)

Of Endings and Beginnings

22 Mar 2014

As the cold spring rain poured down, and the sun lowered in the West, the last of the Heroes of Wallace arrived at the Saucy Wench, having been summoned by their fellow, Sir Dane Sardock, commander of Wallace’s guard and general of his army. Brother Mendel had traveled a day and a half from his monastery to the East, where he instructed all who would learn in the Huallapans’ alien magicks; with him, he brought a promising student, Gestlin the Unpredictable, already a well-traveled, powerful and talented—if a bit unpredictable—guild-wizard. Magnifico had come from his holdings to the Northeast and was already entertaining the other patrons; he traveled with his two young dragons, Primus and Secundus, now grown to the size of horses, sleeping in a nearby barn (story). Sir Rainald North-Hammer had returned from his homeland on the coasts of the Nomad Lands a month or two back and settled with his family on his holdings nearby to the West, on the border of the desert (story), and had ridden in with Sir Gabriel Auditore, whom he had fetched from his holdings in the North highlands, having been back from his secret business in Megalos for a month or two as well (story). Sir Dane dispatched Radskyrta, sergeant of the Wallace guard and long-time fellow of the Heroes, to inform Lady Justalyne of Simonton, wife of Malcolm, Lord Wallace, that the Heroes had at last been assembled. He sped back to the keep through the rain and insisted upon delivering the news in person to Her Ladyship before returning to the inn to drink with his friends and hear their stories, informing them that Her Ladyship wished an audience in the morning.


Having rested and washed away the dust of the road, the Heroes assembled in the morning and entered the keep, where they met in the bailey the children of Lord Wallace, William II and Nyssa, who regarded Sir Dane as an “uncle” (or plaything), and the newcomers as curiosities. Lady Justalyn emerged, collected her children and bade them all come into the hall to speak with her. There she told those that were not already aware that His Lordship had traveled to Yibyorak on a mission of trade, arranged by her merchant father in Simonton, about a year ago, and has not been heard from since. She had sent others to look for him, but none had returned. She pleaded with the Heroes, friends of her husband, to go find him and return him unharmed. The Heroes did not hesitate, but swore to her that they would see it done.

All that day the Heroes made their preparations to leave on the morrow for Simonton, where Lord Wallace had himself departed. Lady Justalyn had placed at their disposal Councillor Truss, Lord Wallace’s administrator, to see to anything they would need or desire for their journey. She also sent the fastest horse to bring word to her father, Alistare Cray in Simonton, to arrange for them a boat to sail upriver to Yibyorak. Rainald met his family at the city gates, and spent the day with them in town before saying his reluctant goodbyes; he left his wife, Hildra, in charge of his affairs at home, with his uncle, Hrothgar, as council. Gestlin’s wagon was filled to capacity with whatever stores they could want for, and all that had none were given a strong horse. Radskyrta, long a loyal friend to Wallace, also volunteered to come along, “having seen a little too much ease since the war was ended.” In the early morning they set out on the South Way to Ferrier, and on to Simonton, which they expected to take a fortnight in all, weather (gods) permitting.


Six days on the road the Heroes arrived at Ferrier, looking much as they had left it—ruined by the invasion, though somewhat less abandoned today. As they rode through the gates unhindered, they spotted a sinister fellow brazenly leering at their imagined wealth; Radskyrta rode over to the man and demanded he shove off, so the man bowed and took his leave, but not before cleverly signaling ahead. The Heroes knew they were to be ambushed, and elected to stride boldly into the trap and spring it.

Poor bandits knew not what they had stumbled into.

As they crossed the river bridge that bisected the town, a near-dozen thieves leapt from hiding, some firing crossbows from cover, others charging the bridge at both ends with sword and shield. Gabriel dismounted and fell back to the near-side of the bridge and fended off three sword-wielding foes on his own, out of sight of the others. Gestlin remained atop his wagon and flung fireballs at some crossbow-wielding enemies, lighting more buildings on fire than ruffians, but disrupting their efforts all the same. Magnifico stood nearby, giving the enemy a vicious taunting and siccing his dragons on them; Primus and Secundus leapt from atop the wagon at “Grandfather’s” command and playfully fought over one of the bandits as they fetched him back to their master. Radskyrta impetuously spurred his horse forward and charged across the bridge, cursing his foes as he ran them down, merrily swinging his sword like a farmer reaping a bountiful harvest—it had clearly been too long. On foot, Dane and Brother Mendel advanced across the bridge behind Rainald, under a hail of crossbow bolts; Dane felled his share of enemies across the river with the bow, as did Rainald with spear and shield those that approached the bridge, while Mendel readied himself to heal any wounded. It was over quickly, with all of the thieves fallen save one that Radskyrta led back at sword-point.

Aside from a bit of soreness resulting from a blow or two that failed to penetrate Rainald’s armor, none of the Heroes were injured. Primus and Secundus had gotten a bit confused in the fray, and were hissing menacingly at Gabriel before Magnifico called them back to heel. Then, surrounded by the menacing Knights of Caithness that were his company, Magnifico began to demand of their prisoner what this business was all about…


  • This Banestorm campaign is probably the second-longest running campaign for this group, and the characters are at a pretty high level—around 300. It actually began under a different GM (Marcus) for a brief run, but was later taken over by Ronnke. The last run ended with the Heroes going back in time to find an artifact to rid the world of alien invaders. After the run was over, ten years passed, that included a return to the alien world to crush the invaders, a great crusade, and the Heroes were rewarded with land and title by their patron, Lord Wallace
  • We were joined this time by Douglas Cole, writer for GURPS, who wanted to observe a Fantasy Grounds game in action; we all enjoyed his participation, and we look forward to a potential later return
  • Radskyrta (“Red-Shirt” in Old English) was an unnamed NPC in Wallace’s employ during the early days of the campaign, expected to die for his master, but failed over time to ever do so, though he did come close a time or two; in the end, we grew to like him enough that, nevermind his name, he’s really been promoted out of the “fodder” role
  • Lord Wallace has been the group’s patron for most of the campaign; they’ve all been through so much crap together that they’re practically family
  • Ferrier is a key place for this group; it was in the sewers of Ferrier that they found and entered the portal to the Otherworld, and it was the first Caithness city they encountered upon their return several months later, found razed and bereft of life as a result of the aliens’ assault


Unconquerable, Part VII

As the crew gazed out the port into the hangar bay at their competitors’ ship, the Aegis, Ella thought better of trying to take her. Buck, disappointed, offered to do some mischief to her instead, and the captain agreed, hoping to impede any effort to give chase. There was some discussion about what to do with Trois, their prisoner, as they had no further use for him; he insisted he should be let go, as there was no harm he could do to them before they could leave, but they decided to have Abe sedate him, and, unconscious in his vacc-suit, stand him out of the way for his compatriots to find later, as they leave (should they get past the 300 or so waking Zhodani crew and myriad securitybots). The Crew took their turns cycling through the airlock into the hangar bay, bringing the stretcher-bound Jones in his patched-up vacc-suit, and Smith’s lifeless body. Haank and Buck split off and sidled up to the enemy ship, Buck with his toolbox, intent on welding shut the ship’s outer hatches, while the others floated over to the Spinward Star, to get it started up for takeoff.

In no rush and attempting to minimize any telltale vibration on the hull, Buck saw to the welding, starting with the only personnel airlock they could find on the unfamiliar model, while Haank provided security. They then sneaked around to seal off the dorsal shuttle-bay, followed by the cargo hatch to the rear. Most of the way through sealing the cargo hatch, Sam called over from the Spinward Star to inform them that the persons they were observing on the bridge of the enemy ship had left; the announcement preceded the arrival of an unfamiliar, angry face, apparently shouting at the two through a window from inside the ship’s cargo bay. As he finished, Buck facetiously demanded of the stranger in the window that he “sign off on the work order.” A heartbeat later, Buck and Haank felt a jolt from inside the ship, as the cargo-hatch motors strained at the weld in an unsuccessful attempt to break open. Laughing, the two started toward the Spinward Star, when Sam alerted them to the fact that the ship’s dorsal turret was sweeping for them. Buck and Haank, out of the weapons’ fire arc for the moment, briefly discussed how they might disable them; Buck decided that taking a hammer to the lasers’ optics would be too slow, before Haank offered to risk personal vaporization to shoot it dead with his under-barrel–mounted gauss shotgun pistol (loaded with HEMP rounds—certainly capable of penetrating the ship’s armor). Buck agreed to draw their attention while Haank got into position behind the turret. Once in position, Haank nearly emptied the shotgun’s magazine into the turret, desperately leaping out of the line of fire as it quickly turned around to fire at him…and fizzled, no longer functional. Haank’s jump clear left him drifting, but he expertly caught himself at the next opportunity and made his way back to the Spinward Star, to join the rest of the Crew.

With all aboard, Sam set the ship moving toward the exit; Haank took up position at the gunners’ station, just in case. The Aegis also took off a heartbeat later, in mad pursuit, being essentially unarmed; she jerked upward from below, attempting to slam the Spinward Star into the ceiling of the hangar bay. Sam tried to maneuver the ship out of the way, but ended up scraping deeply into the structure (the damage would turn out to be mostly cosmetic). He recovered from the impact to find the Aegis backing off for another go; Sam pressed hard for the exit, trying to position the ship such that Haank could fire from the ventral turret. As the enemy ship jerked upward again, this time, Sam rolled the Spinward Star just out of the way, at the same time that Haank got off a lucky shot at the ship’s bridge, both resulting in the Aegis crashing itself into the structure hard enough to wedge it in, stopped dead and stuck fast. Not only was the pursuit ended, but the crew of the Aegis were now unlikely to be able to escape the Zhodani vessel at all.


The Spinward Star left the Unconquerable behind, having lost a crewmember and gained nothing in return—except a few containers of 10-year-old military weapons and vehicles. There was plenty of time to contemplate their next move in the day or two it took to get to the nearest gas giant in the system to refuel. Once fueled, they jumped-out for Kinorb, without incident.


  • We were missing Abe’s player this week, again, but it was just as well, as he really wouldn’t have had much to do
  • Buck really wanted to break the laser optics with a hammer or something, but the rules aren’t quite geared for that sort of thing. It probably should have been possible, but by RAW, he would have to break through 10dDR with a blunt instrument, or 5dDR if considered a “targeted attack”—still a lot of non-ablative DR. On the other hand, it should be able to withstand a micrometeorite hit, so maybe it’s right?
  • First time using Haank’s shotgun pistol w/ HEMP; turns out he could literally shoot down a starship with it, at 6d×3 (5)—had been avoiding using it in close quarters due to fragmentation, but it would have vaporized those androids
  • The GM had us make a Reaction check for the Aegis crew as we left, to see how they would handle the “mischief”; rolled a 7—“not well,” apparently
  • This session was the end of this run, so it was a bit short; good stopping point. Time to rotate to another campaign. This one has gone reasonably well, and will likely return in the near-future


Unconquerable, Part VI

With Jones, and Smith’s body, placed in cryo-stasis, the Crew set out for the ship’s reactors, along with the original Zhodani crew’s Chief Engineer and three others he picked from among those that had been awakened. Everyone was prepared for the worst, expecting a fight. It was a relatively short trip aft of the habitation rings, and they arrived at the main corridor connecting the two reactor sections without incident. On a figurative coin-toss, they headed first for the starboard reactor; at a distance, ’round the corner, they spotted several securitybots apparently engaged in a firefight with an unknown (but easily guessed) foe. The Crew stopped briefly to decide how to proceed when someone spotted a head briefly poking around the port-side end of the corridor—no firefight over there, so they decided to check it out, hoping to catch their competition off-guard.

final-580x326Haank cautiously eased his rifle around the corner, using the HUD-link to remotely spy out what was waiting there; there were two armed spacers covering the approach with storm carbines, and they appeared to have spotted the rifle. Unsure of the other crew’s disposition or purpose, but unwilling to simply go in shooting without cause, the Crew decided to give diplomacy a chance. Buck, wearing space armor, stepped around the corner in as non-threatening a manner as he could, announcing their non-hostile intent to approach, citing the nearby presence of the ship’s automated security forces as good cause to be quick; the rest followed just behind Buck, though the other intruders demanded they keep their distance. Abe called out to see if any among them had been injured, and offered to help; as it happened, one of the three had been shot by robots earlier, and the leader nervously accepted the offer of aid, allowing the lot of them into the reactor room. One of the intruders kept watch on the corridor, and was joined by Haank at the other side of the entry. Another spoke for the group, and kept a rifle trained on the strangers as he pointed Abe to the injured man; Abe got right to work patching him up, directing him to remove his vacc-suit top. Buck tried to keep himself interposed between the rifle and Abe, and politely quizzed the man about their situation while explaining his own. The Zhodani crewmen stood to the side and kept out of the way. Haank sized up the opposition, and decided they looked somewhat inexperienced. Ella joined Buck in his attempts to learn more about the others; the leader wasn’t interested in chatting, treating the Crew as a potential threat (for good reason), but they were able to get a few facts out of him: there were around nine more of them, and they had no interest in giving up their prize. Buck discreetly wandered over to the nearby terminal to see how the reactor’s progress was going, but the leader bristled when he attempted to sit at the console and start typing; Buck backed off.

After determining the competition was entirely unbothered by the legal issues involved in taking the ship from its surviving crew—that is, an act of piracy—and might resort to less savory means to keep it, Haank left his post at the entryway and explained the matter to the Zhodani in their language. Buck noticed the leader was listening to the conversation in Zhdent, though he would not admit to speaking the language; the man’s demeanor had shifted to one of concern, as Haank told the Zhodani they may have to retake the ship by force, and he insisted his injured comrade get his suit back on, nervously pointing his storm carbine at anyone that moved. Ella demanded he lower his weapon, joined by Buck, as the situation escalated to shouting. At a movement by the leader that Sam interpreted as “hostile,” he raised his looted gauss rifle to fire on the one guarding the corridor, but the leader reacted quickly and fired, crippling Sam’s weapon arm. In an instant, the entire Crew started leapt into action: Haank swung around and shot the corridor-guard in the ribs, just before Sam finished him off, and began advancing toward the leader in an intimidating manner; as Buck was raising his weapon, the leader shot him in the chest-plate, the heavy slugs stopped entirely by his space-armor, after which, Buck unloaded his own weapon into the man, killing him. The fight was over in a matter of a few seconds, with the leader dead, the corridor-guard grievously wounded and unconscious, and the previously-injured pirate surrendered.

Haank informed the Zhodani that the situation was now under control. Buck sat down at the terminal and started poking around; he discovered that the intruders appeared to have isolated the terminal from the ship’s computer network, allowing them to take control of the reactor systems—since turning it on was what they wanted anyway, the operation was allowed to continue. Haank informed the Zhodani Chief Engineer that they were handing over the reactor system to him, and would be moving out to retake the starboard reactor; the Zhodani crew elected to remain in place to babysit the operation, but agreed to call back to the rest of the waking crew for backup. The Crew decided to take with them the surviving, wounded pirate, who said his name was Tony Trois, to help convince the others of their capabilities and intentions.

The Crew moved out to the corridor and followed it to starboard, finding numerous “corpses” of fallen androids strewn about the corner. As before, Haank spied around the corner with his rifle, spotting numerous enemy troops there, well-armed and dug in for a fight. Ella nudged their captive around the corner to announce the Crew’s desire to parley; he complied. Ella was allowed to step around the corner unarmed. She still had her pistol on her hip as she did so; the opposition demanded it be taken and slid forward on the floor toward them, but she instead reached for it—drawing some alarm—before slowly pulling it free with two fingers and handing it back around the corner to Haank. She demanded to speak to their captain, also a former Navy officer, but he would not leave the reactor room to talk in the open, demanding instead that Ella come into the reactor room to speak—she refused, choosing to shout back to him instead. After a bit of Navy-related small-talk establishing each others’ former credentials, she informed the opposing captain that the original crew was awakening from stasis, around 300-strong, and would be taking back the ship; the opposing captain was unconvinced, and completely uninterested in giving up his prize. Thinking back on the loss of Smith, and the numerous injuries the rest of the Crew were still suffering from, Ella decided the Zhodani really didn’t need any further assistance, and turned back down the corridor to leave, pulling their captive back with her.

The Crew marched back to the medical station in the habitation rings, captive in tow, and collected Smith and Jones. As they made their way back to the hangar deck, Ella revealed that she had in mind to take the intruders’ ship as a prize, as it would likely be unmanned, or at least, under-manned. When they arrived at the hangar, they saw the other ship, the Aegis, alongside the Spinward Star; an unknown hull-class at around 200-tons. However, someone spotted movement inside—it looked like they would have to fight for it.


  • Ella’s player was absent; she was played by Buck’s player instead, which was an interesting dichotomy, as the two characters are completely opposite
  • The dice finally cut us a break this week, for the most part; no catastrophes to speak of


Unconquerable, Part V

Of the Zhodani crew released from stasis, three volunteered to accompany the Crew to the bridge to help get the computer shut down—the two techs, and one other. Smith and Jones, both still unconscious from their earlier wounds, were placed on stretchers to be hauled along, rather then leave them behind. However, the stretchers would make crawling the service tunnels virtually impossible, so the Crew opted for the more open route, which would undoubtedly have them run afoul of the ship’s automated security forces; they prepared for the worst, entrusting the Zhodani volunteers with scavenged gauss rifles.

They made their way to the nearest elevator cluster that had not been sealed full of securitybots. As they approached, they could hear one of the cars activate, summoned back to the central ring, no doubt to pick up more armed androids; they all piled into an empty car, but waited for the other to reach its destination and begin its return before activating their own. At the “top,” after disembarking, Buck quickly moved to disable the elevator doors, as before. They determined the correct direction around the central collar to reach the shaft leading mid-ship, and began cautiously floating toward it, keeping an eye for trouble. A couple of securitybots were spotted at some distance around the curve, and the Crew and their company hasted to hide themselves behind whatever cover presented, pulling their stretcher-bound comrades aside; Haank reassured the Zhodani crewmen, quietly reminding them that the robots would not be trying to kill them, so they should hang back if a fight erupts. The “autonomous” androids spoke to each other, as would any other sapient being, referring to sabotage of elevators and such. Some tense moments elapsed as the robots approached the Crew’s hiding places, passing within hands reach of Buck, to the fore, but they didn’t spot anyone as they turned back the other way, having been summoned elsewhere. The Crew discreetly followed behind them to their intended passage, leaving the robots behind as they continued ’round another way.

Floating down the passage forward, the Crew felt a hum begin to reverberate through the ship’s structure; they identified this as the reactor being started up, and the Zhodani agreed. The crew of the other ship had clearly been working to get it online this whole time. Buck estimated it would be an hour or two before it would be fully warmed up.

sonnyThey found the elevator-cluster that would take them to the sub-bridge level; they entered, and took it to the topmost cargo deck, Buck having sealed off the doors to the sub-bridge itself earlier. They found the hold there mostly empty. Haank asked one of the Zhodani where they might find access to the sub-bridge from here, and they pointed out the spot, in the next hold-chamber. When the bay door opened, though, they started as they saw rows and rows of securitybots, statue-like, in some sort of standby mode; the formation appeared to be missing a few, clearly having been dispatched to bring in the intruders. It was decided to take the chance of alerting them to get past to the access hatch, so they proceeded cautiously. There was no reaction at all from the androids, until the moment Haank and Buck started to remove the hatch cover; a number of robots suddenly activated…and moved out in a hurry for the elevators, completely ignoring the intruders amongst them, to the intruders’ surprise.

Continuing their mission, Buck was in the service tunnel as the Crew were deciding to remove Smith and Jones from their stretchers, when the ship’s artificial gravity suddenly engaged, dropping everyone heavily to the floor. Abe checked on his patients, and discovered the Smith had landed badly in the process, and was bleeding out badly. The Crew stopped everything to do what they could (as it was, little) to help Abe, as he frantically tried to save the still-unconscious Smith. Stripping him out of his vacc-suit, which was full of blood, he administered regeneratives and performed CPR as Smith nearly faded—he was still alive, but only barely, in desperate need of a blood transfusion to replace the significant loss. Ella might have torn her own arm open to provide it, but the Crew unanimously decided they would abandon their current mission to return him to the nearest medical station for proper treatment—which happened to be the same place they had left, earlier.

Now with full gravity, the return trip to the medical facility was much more difficult; they went back the same way they came. The stretchers had to be carried all the way back, and maneuvered into the elevators, taking care not to jostle them too much. Fortunately, they encountered no resistance whatsoever as they hurried back, and they arrived at the medical station in good time. Abe immediately sprang back to work, as Smith was fading fast. But he was too far gone, and the medical supplies available at the station were designed for Zhodani patients; Abe eventually had to be pulled away by the other Crew, having failed to save their fallen comrade.

Reeling from their loss, the Crew discussed their next move: the other crew had clearly gained an advantage, but the security forces seemed preoccupied with their activities rather than the Crew’s, which gave them time they didn’t have before. It was decided to start waking the other Zhodani crew to aid in taking back their ship, starting with whatever medical officers they could locate, who could then assist in waking the others. In a half hour or so, there were nearly thirty Zhodani crew up and about; the ranking officer among them was the Chief Engineer. Haank gathered those Zhodani that were awake and, matter-of-factly, tried to explain the situation: the war had ended in a truce, though the “ship” was not aware of it; the Crew was here for salvage until they discovered the crew still lived, at which point they were working to help them take it back from the other free-traders that had boarded, who were currently starting it up. Haank’s efforts were received coldly, though the Zhodani made no attempt to turn on their rescuers. Haank, translating for the others as needed, discussed their tactical options with the Chief Engineer, who insisted that the ship’s engineering section should be taken back ASAP, as they had less than an hour before it would be fully charged up, at which point the intruders would likely take full control. It was agreed that engineering was the most likely location of the other intruders, as the reactor would require some babysitting during the startup process, so they would be expecting resistance. There was an arms station nearby, and Buck was commissioned to bring his tools, and help get it opened, as the Zhodani crew were still locked out of the system (by the former crew of the Proud Mary); what arms and armor were available (not much, given that the ship was designed to be defended by the androids) were taken up by the Zhodani crew. As prepared as they could be, the Crew and a chosen handful of Zhodani, led by the Chief Engineer, set out to assault the engineering section.


  • The securitybots stopped right in front of Buck in the hallway; the GM randomly rolled which direction they would turn as they about-faced to leave—lucky, that time
  • After four sessions without it, gravity is finally returned, to our chagrin 😛
  • Having to backtrack, we’re running afoul of our justifiable attempts to cover our six by sealing off the elevators
  • The GM had the injured make a HT check when the gravity came back on, and Smith failed critically; then the GM made a Death Check for him, which failed by one (accounting for one level of Easy to Kill—without which he would have survived). If I’m not mistaken, Smith is the only “party” loss this group has experienced since I started playing. Though he was only an NPC, and originally a red-shirt, we had grown rather attached.
  • The dice continued to be uncooperative at critical moments; once again, a much-needed Diplomacy attempt (with the waking Zhodani crew) was thwarted


Unconquerable, Part IV

ESET-robot_thumb…Continued. The Crew continued to resist the securitybots’ attempts to capture them, still cornered in the cryo-room, while Crewman Beqr cowered in the corner of the lab. The unidentified fog continued to fill the adjoined rooms, but dispersed out the open door, having little effect, as the Crew were in sealed vacc-suits.

Color Maps for Future Armada: InvictusSmith, in the lab, went for the stunned securitybot’s gauss rifle which he had previously knocked away and turned it on its former-owner, while Haank shifted to firing at the one still grabbing at Buck, who was backpedaling and trying to reload his gauss pistol. As Smith cleared the line of fire, Haank returned to firing on the robot in the lab; the two finally filled it with enough holes that it could no longer function. The Crew noticed that some of the cryo-tubes had been damaged by gunfire, resulting in some noticeable injuries to some of the occupants; Abe abandoned the fight and went to work trying to get to the injured to aid them, starting the process of waking them. Ella, almost panicked by the revelation, also abandoned the fight to help Abe, ordering the others to move the fight out into the lab, rather than risk the ship’s original crew any further. As Jones slipped through to the lab, he was caught by another securitybot coming in, and thrown out into the hall, where another pair were waiting for their opportunity to enter; he frantically tried to escape down the hall past them, gliding uncontrolled in freefall, barely escaping more gauss-fire. The robot in the lab turned to gun down Smith, who succumbed to his wounds after putting up an admirable fight; of the two androids in the hallway, one turned to pursue Jones, while the other followed into the lab. Buck spotted his captured gauss rifle floating nearby, and abandoned his pistol to reload the rifle instead; at the same time Haank’s pistol was emptied, and he began to reload. Sam had made his way to just beside the doorway, and pulled the floating “corpse” of one of the robots out of the doorway, covering himself from the incoming reinforcements; as one of the robots in the lab pressed through to the cryo room, Sam tossed the android-chassis at it, knocking it back. Haank was mid-reload when the other securitybot pressed past and grabbed him by the vacc-suit, to throw him out; he tried to finish, but for his being tossed about, ended up letting go of the magazine, and started trying to wriggle free. Sam saw Haank’s predicament and seized the opportunity of the android’s distraction to jump on its back, wrapping both arms around its head, (hopefully) blinding it. Meanwhile, Ella had spotted Smith floating away in the lab, and she pressed past the struggle in the cryo room to render first aid; the other securitybot ignored her as a non-combatant, continuing to press into the cryo room. He hung on for dear life as the robot tried to peel him off its head, while Haank slipped free and finished reloading, he and Buck firing into the thrashing android’s exposed flank. Some seconds later, the robot succeeded in dislodging Sam, and threw him through the doorway, and straight through the lab; Sam bounded off the ceiling and out into the hallway. With only Haank and Buck remaining in the fight, they concentrated fire on the remaining assailants until they finally succumbed.

With the fight over, and the fog mostly cleared, the Crew quickly collected themselves, knowing there would be more to come. They found Jones, unconscious and near-death, in an office down the hall; Haank did what he could on the spot, and guided him back to the lab. Ella finished her patch-job on Smith; he would live, but was in bad shape. Some minutes later, as Abe tended an opening cryo-tube, its occupant started awake with a scream, thrashing wildly about; the others observed Abe also scream, clutching his helmet, in some sort of reaction to his patient’s condition, before passing out. Haank quickly dove for a sedative hypo, and with Ella’s assistance in holding the injured crewman still, managed to administer it; the man settled down instantly, unconscious. Ella used some smelling-salts to awake Abe, who was then forced to dope himself with a powerful painkiller to combat a crippling headache.

Some minutes later, the endangered crew were tended to, and shaking off their long hypersleep; some had not survived. The Crew hurriedly discussed what to do next: they assumed there would be more security forces dispatched to their location at any time, which they would be hard-pressed to survive; they had to tend to their injured comrades, and now, those of the original crew that had been awakened; they still had no idea as to the whereabouts or disposition of the crew of the other free-trader that had docked; they still had no plan for the ship itself, except to move it to a new location. There was talk of cutting their losses and leaving (although Buck insisted they should keep the ship, until it was pointed out to him that since the original crew was aboard, and there was no ongoing war with the Zhodani, it would be considered an act of piracy to take it), but they were all in agreement that whatever their decision, they would not leave the original crewmen to fend for themselves against the securitybots, who were bent on following their last orders to place the crew in stasis. With Haank as the middleman, they discussed the situation with Crewman Beqr and his colleagues; they said the only way to take control of the ship was to disable the ship’s computers—it wouldn’t stop the autonomous security units, but it would allow them to control the ship itself, at which point they might be able to contain the security forces—two of the awakened crew were computer techs that could do the task.

Now resolved, the Crew knew the best place to attempt to disable the computer was from the bridge. They decided they would be better served by taking the maintenance crawl-ways back the way they had come, but they would have to get past the elevators, some still full of trapped androids. There was no choice but to press forward, so they all set out for the bridge.


  • Sam’s player was out for the session, so I took him over; he didn’t die on me, despite my efforts 😉
  • This session was mostly one big fight, especially considering it had started the previous session. No idea why it took so long, except that the androids were pretty damned tough, and refused to die, combined with our lack of preparation for this particular threat
  • The dice were still being pretty uncooperative, but less so than last time; pretty sure Jones experienced a malfunction at one point during the shooting
  • There was a lot of light grappling in this fight. Though Technical Grappling had been released already, we haven’t had the opportunity to wrap our heads around it, so we aren’t using it yet. Sam (ST10) was damned lucky to have held onto “the bull” for as long as he did
  • We very nearly lost both red-shirts in this one; would have been sad to see Smith go
  • Abe’s incident with the awakened crewman was planned between the GM and player, as an excuse to allow him to improve/reveal his latent psionic abilities
  • This session coincided with the theatrical release of Gravity, which the GM had seen before the rest of us; it was already having an influence on the zero-gravity antics (I’m betting the robots’ tactic of tossing the intruders down the hall was a result), but perhaps moreso next time, when everyone else has (probably) seen it as well


Unconquerable, Part III

21bThe medibot that surprised the Crew declared that they were not allowed in this area, and attempted to shoo them out the door. As waking up a crewman was their best shot at getting things working on the derelict warship, they were not willing to leave. The robot did not appear to be armed at all, except that it could undoubtedly call down more securitybots, the presence of which would force the Crew to hurry the process of waking the crewman, neverminding the obvious consequences of any exchange of fire. If they attacked it, they would have to disable it quickly before it could call for help. Without other obvious option, Haank tried to hide his rifle behind Buck as he raised it, hoping to surprise the medibot, and opened fire; Smith, growing impatient, also opened fire about the same time. The others followed suit. As the helpless medibot was riddled with needle-fire, debris flying off in all directions, it continued to politely insist it not be fired upon, lest the cryo-tubes be endangered, and informed the intruders that security had been dispatched to their location—they hadn’t been fast enough—before its power systems finally failed, and it hung, limp and lifeless, in freefall.

Abe immediately started the wake-up procedures for the chosen crewman, moving as quickly as he could—normally takes ten to fifteen minutes—as they expected a troop of securitybots to arrive at any minute. Meanwhile, everyone else surveyed their surroundings to determine their best defensive options. There were two entrances to this cryo room: to port, a long hallway lined with living quarters leading to one of three elevator clusters; to starboard, a medical office that opened into the rest of the medical area, a maze of offices and operating rooms that included another, closer elevator-cluster. Buck made for the starboard elevator-cluster, the closest, and began disabling the doors, as he had on the bridge, taking Smith with him for cover. Buck finished in time to hear the elevators activate, and the two hasted back to the cryo-room, where Haank and Ella were observing a handful of the up-armored securitybots exit the port elevator-cluster, advancing tactically down the corridor. Haank took careful aim with his gauss rifle at the lead robot, but when he pulled the trigger, nothing happened; he quickly cleared the electrical contacts and reseated the magazine, and lined up another shot. He fired again, and missed. Having been attacked, the securitybots sought nearby cover and hid there, calling out, in Zhdent, for the intruders to lay down arms and surrender.

Abe continued working; they figured they had another ten minutes to go, so they needed to delay. It occurred to Ella that the securitybots were likely attempting to avoid a firefight in the vicinity of the sleeping crew, lest they be caught in the crossfire, which gave the Crew a bit of leverage to negotiate. Ella requested the securitybots speak Galanglic—they complied, and repeated their demands—and (speciously) threatened to kill the defenseless crew if they didn’t back off, but they were unconvinced of her sincerity. As they continued, fruitlessly, to attempt to negotiate, another handful of securitybots exited the elevators to join the others, bounding tactically down the hall, closing in on the Crew’s position. Eventually, Ella gave up trying to talk her way out, and had Buck seal the door closed; they knew it wouldn’t prevent an assault, but might slow it down anyway. As Buck finished, they could hear the robots’ quickly advancing steps outside, eventually moving through the hallways to surround the block.

As Buck moved to the other door to seal it off as well, Abe announced that the crewman was waking. Crewman Beqr shook the long sleep out of his head, and surveyed his surroundings, to find he was alone in the company of “the enemy”; he was understandably confused and frightened. Haank tried to calm him down, speaking Zhdent, and explained the situation a little at a time (as it would undoubtedly be a bit of a shock): the War was over, the sides having agreed to a cease-fire ten years back, and his ship was derelict, left behind by those who had stolen it; Haank offered to allow him to view the ship’s logs. As the information settled in, Haank explained that the Crew was here to salvage the ship, but are running afoul of its automated security, and would appreciate some help in bypassing it; in exchange, he offered, on the Crew’s behalf, to help wake up the remaining crew, and help them get home, wherever that might be. As they helped Crewman Beqr to the starboard door, it became clear that the young crewman didn’t quite trust these Imperials, and had no idea how to properly proceed, to the point of near-panic. The Crew opened the door and called out to the securitybots, informing them they were sending someone to negotiate. The robots recognized Crewman Beqr and advised him to step aside and allow them to seize the intruders, while the Crew encouraged him to take charge (being the only legitimate crewman currently active) and demand security stand down. The Crew, via Haank, tried everything they could think of to negotiate an exit, but the ship’s computer, cut off from the outside world, had no idea the War was over. After some prodding, the robots stated that the intruders were to be held until the captain—who was deceased—returned to deal with them; also, Crewman Beqr would be placed back in cryo-stasis. Crewman Beqr was no help at all, mentally paralyzed, as he just couldn’t process what to do in this highly unusual situation; he ended up retreating to a corner of the office and curling up there, out of the way.

Color Maps for Future Armada: InvictusAt that point, the securitybots charged through the lab in an attempt to execute their mission; the Crew opened fire. The robots pressed their way into the cryo room through a hail of gauss-needles, attempting to close and wrest away the Crew’s weapons. Some of the Crew took advantage of the lack of gravity to move to the ceiling, clearing lanes of fire. Smith emptied his gauss rifle into the assaulters’ chassis, slowing their advance. Haank’s gauss rifle misfired again, and he immediately transitioned to his pistol, unloading into one of the robots that was previously “stunned” by Smith. The robot in front failed to disarm Jones and moved on to Buck, turning its back to the others to its own peril—it fell—before another followed into the cryo room. Smith’s gauss rifle ran dry, so he charged into the lab to knock away the rifle of the still-recovering robot there. Abe, having determined his sonic stun pistol to be all-but-useless against the medbot, found a fire extinguisher, and was preparing to do…something with it, when the room began to fill with a fog billowing out of the ventilation system. To be continued…


  • This was the second session done entirely in freefall; there was quite a bit of three-dimensional movement in the fighting, mostly just switching from floor to ceiling to get out of the line of fire
  • The dice continued to refuse to cooperate this session; Haank ended up with concurrent 17s resulting in rifle malfunctions, and a 15 on the diplomacy attempt toward the end
  • Smith, once again (played by Abe’s player), showed what a combat-monster he was, in spite of his actual stats to the contrary—he did a lot of damage. Also, he actually emptied the magazine on a gauss rifle—something not witnessed in quite some time (with 60 a shot magazine)
  • A bit of a combat surprise: Haank’s ETC Heavy Pistol w/ APHD actually ended up doing equivalent damage, per shot, to the high-powered gauss rifles, versus the Unliving robots, thanks to the larger piercing type (pi instead of pi-) plus the same (5) armor divisor
  • We ran into some weirdness fighting the robots this time, in that there is nothing in their stats to say they can’t be “Stunned” or suffer the usual head-blow effects; the GM ruled that since they weren’t specifically statted such that they were immune, then they weren’t—which is how GURPS 4e normally works
  • Along a similar line as above, we ended up “negotiating” with robots, which feels weird for the same reasons. In this case, designated “autonomous”—having limited or full AI—and not being statted otherwise (that is, they didn’t have Indomitable or anything similar), they were ruled susceptible to manipulation
  • Had to wrap mid-fight, to be continued next session