Insurgent Team Vanguard

Live Stream

Episode 3: Legacy of Ruin, Part 3

  • Back in Minerva City, the Team begin seeking information on the streets about the detention facility and the prisoner. While this is happening, Tina manages to repair the lightsaber using the crystal she obtained earlier.
  • The streetwise investigation results in Nim making contact with someone who claims to have information. With Luck providing sniper overwatch, Bostco and Nim arrange at the clandestine meeting only to learn that it is the investigator, Nara Tao’ni. She recognizes Bostco and, after much back and forth, agrees to not turn them in as long as they assist her in extracting someone she is close to from the Crimson Corsairs.
  • From her, they also learn that the Imperial Security Bureau is sending a team to take prisoner out. This leads the team to make the decision to use their new gear to disable the shuttle, then use it to pretend to be the ISB agents.
  • Cut to an A-Team repair montage. Bostco and Luck work on getting some ion torpedoes obtained from Loophole functional – they get two working; the other three work on both the Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighter and the Low Altitude Assault Transport (LAAT), successfully getting them repaired.
  • And now, the Team makes their plans…

Player Notes:

  • Down Nosh for the session.
  • Boiled down, it doesn’t seem like we accomplished a lot. We handled Job Rolls at the beginning, then had a bunch of roleplaying and a whole bunch of researching and repairing.
  • We’ve already determined that, if the two ion torps don’t disable the shuttle, then we’re on to simply destroying it.