Insurgent Team Vanguard

Live Stream

Episode 3: Legacy of Ruin, Part 4

  • The Team come up with a plan: rather than ambush the Imperial shuttle in Phantine, they’ll hit them in a different system along the hyper-route.
  • With Bostco, Darrrill, Tina in the Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighter, and Nim and Luck in the captured Crimson Corsair craft, the team jumps to Kalinda … and quickly ambush the shuttle. The fight is over almost before it begins, with Darrrill hitting with both of the ion torpedoes.
  • Luck boards the shuttle, quickly dropping the sole intact stormtrooper. This allows the rest of the team to approach and board as well.
  • The surviving ISB officers are captured and interrogated (thanks to Bostco’s drugs), which provides the team appropriately access codes. Rather than simply execute the prisoners, the team reaches out to their contact Kalen Brie who is quite interested in taking the prisoners. He links up with the team and sends a pair of additional soldiers who can pose as stormtroopers alongsie Luck.
  • To maximize the cover, the team leaves the Crimson Corsairs’ captured starfighter after having shot it up a little bit.
  • The shuttle makes the jump to lightspeed, heading back to Phantine…

Player Notes:

  • Full house again.
  • We really messed up the ion torpedoes. The GM misidentified how much damage they did and just one of them would have flat-out destroyed the shuttle. So the GM hand-waved it away, and then realized his mistake afterward.
  • Since Darrrill and Nim are non-humans, we got the two NPCs to act as stand-ins for Gigermann and Nosh next week. We expect at least one of them will probably die in the inevitable firefight.