Insurgent Team Vanguard

Live Stream

Episode 3: Legacy of Ruin, Part 5

  • The Team arrives in-system within the captured Imperial shuttle and make their approach, using the codes obtained from the ISB personnel.
  • Upon landing, Bostco, Luck, Tina and Kinni Dedmiit, one of Kalen Brie’s men, enter the Imperial facility, with Bostco and Tina wearing ISB uniforms while Luck and Kinni are in stormtrooper armor.
  • At the detention facility, Luck enters Ronan’s cell to grab him, while Bostco chats with the senior security man. Ronan whispers to Luck that “they know,” which he relates to the rest of the team by using a code word. They’re blown.
  • The senior Imperial officer insists that Bostco walk in front of him and panics when he does not, drawing his firearm to shoot. Bostco fast-draws his own weapon and they exchange shots; Luck reacts immediately by charging forward, engaging the security men and nearby stormtroopers.
  • Once the situation is secure, the Team is surprised to learn that all cameras are already off which appears to be the work of Nara Tao’ni, the investigator from earlier. They learn from the surviving security officer that there is a trap waiting for them but this kicked off earlier than planned…
  • With the surviving security officer as a prisoner, the Team exfiltrates as a major power outage engulfs the complex.
  • Back aboard the shuttle, the Team flees, pursued by a pair of TIEs, but Darrrill’s expert flying allows them to completely elude the fighters before making the jump to lightspeed…

Player Notes:

  • Full house again.
  • Felt bad for Gigermann as we inexplicably had to leave his character behind at the shuttle so he twiddled his thumbs.
  • Not sure about the plan the Imps had here. I think if I was GMing this, there would have been a bunch of stormtroopers hiding in the other cells and, at a signal, they all spring out to ambush us.
  • Still struggling with the Spacecraft ship combat rules. I’m thinking there needs to be some sort of cheat sheet for it to simplify some things.