The Survivors
  • GM: Rigil Kent
  • Christoph Jäger (FX Engineer)
  • Jörg Lange (Gigermann)
  • Queen Coppertong (Mel)
  • Sören Roth (Ronnke)

Live Stream Playlist

0x03: Mutiny and the Beast, Part 1

  • Fleeing from the site of zombie attack, the survivors retreat to the relative safety of their inns where they can lick their wounds. Meanwhile, riots engulf Ubersreik and, upon the morning, they learn that the “necromancer” was captured when she tried to flee in her boat. The witch hunters have already taken her into custody and are looking for any others involved.
  • Enfys and Sören visit the temple of Shallya to get some magical healing, while the others start discussing an exit plan to ensure they’re not blamed. Conveniently, Drori Stonebeard approaches them and explains that he’s sending two wagons of goods to Bögenhafen and would like to hire the survivors as guards. They quickly agree.
  • The following day, the two wagons set with Gunnar and Hultz driving the wagons. This is expected to be a six day trip, with stops at the coaching inns along the way.
  • At around noon, Gunnar cries out in alarm: goblins! A large group of them are crossing the road ahead of the wagons, and the survivors leap off the wagons, ready to defend. Christoph looses an arrow that misses, while Coppertong charges forward. A quick skirmish ensues, but it goes ill for the goblins as five of them, including their apparent leader, falls, while the unarmed ones (oddly carrying stacks of wood) continue fleeing to the north. Things do not go entirely the survivors’ way – Jörg’s zweihander breaks in the fight (exactly like Coppertong said it would!) and he takes a spear thrust to the belly.
  • Several hours later, the two wagons reach Geissbach, a small farming village where the coaching inn, The Halfway House, is the largest building present. The caravaners begin making plans for the rest of the night.

GM Notes:

  • The core elements of this session comes from Cubicle 7’s adventure, “Mutiny and the Beast” taken from Ubersreik Adventures III. Amusing, my F2F group passed through this village when I originally ran “The Guilty Party” from Ubersreik Adventures I which takes PCs from Ubersreik into the 1st part of “Enemy in Shadows” (although this adventure wasn’t out yet.) Since Gigermann is part of the F2F group, I had to change it up a bit.
  • No one was expecting Jörg’s sword to break. A critical failure at the worst possible moment for Gigermann. And now comes the monumental task of figuring out how much time and material is required to actually repair it…
  • My brain stopped … braining at the end of the session and I realize how crappy my notes were. Planning on fixing that in the next session.
  • Enfys’ player was out for the session due to other obligations.