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The Grassland Plains of Wallace

The Holding of Wallace is considered by many to be the agricultural center of Caithness.  With more water than all lordings that border the great desert, Wallace has the most water and the most suitable climate for grain production and raising cattle and sheep.

Over 250,000 people call Wallace and its surrounding farmland home. The castle of Wallace is large and fortified for the history of conflict in the region.  Beyond this center, is a modest market and city but the majority of the population is spread out as far as 100 miles from the Castle.

Thunder of Wallace, Captain Benwell

Lord Wallace I

Because of the need for defense of the areas threats and the vast distances needed to be protected, Wallace has what many consider the most fearsome cavalry units  in Ytarria.  Organized in small and mobile teams of 5-7, the Thunder of Wallace is battle-tested and has protected the holding very effectively.   Lord Wallace himself proved his courage by serving his holding in battle for many years before taking up his seat in the Castle.

Wallace Guard, Captain Brontus

In addition to the Thunder of Wallace, there is a loyal and capable mercenary unit called the Wallace Guard, led by Captain Brontus.  These troops are the first defense against the vile creatures that emerge from the desert to attack families, steal livestock and destroy homes.  It is through Brontus’ leadership that lizard-man and orc raiders, once such an enormous source of bloodshed, are no longer as frequent or as deadly for the citizens of Wallace.

With Lord Wallace’s health declining due to age, his son and current Commander of the Thunder of Wallace has slowly started to take over for his father.  With a reputation for bravery and leadership that even surpasses the legend of his father, Lord Wallace II is a popular and unanimous choice to follow his father’s footsteps.

Lord Wallace II

King Conall  is not very popular among the leadership and people of Wallace.  Lord Wallace I has used every chance he can get to publicly ridicule the current King for his response to Castle Defiant.  Formerly loyal to Conall’s father, Lord Wallace joined the Separatist movement almost 6 years ago.  However, Lord Wallace remains weary of the leadership and the course the rebellion has taken and is closer to declaring neutrality that marching on Carrick in mutiny.

Not having the economic and military support of Wallace is a huge  blow to the power of the King and the Monarchists.




The Kingdom of Caithness


Caithness Population Figures:

  1.  Durham: 460,000
  2. Carrick:  400,000
  3. Fordham: 390,000
  4. The Former Barony of Mershall: 310,000
  5. Wallace: 250,000
  6. Redhall: 240,000
  7. Sterling: 225,000
  8. Denton: 200,000
  9. Oakwood : 190,000
  10. Simonton: 170,000
  11. Donlis: 160,000
  12. Ferrier: 120,000
  13. Harkwood: 50,000
  14. Deerwood: 30,000
  15. Tacitus: 5,000


Tacitus, Caithness

For many years the holding known now as Tacitus was a collection of small, independent woodland communities. The area is not very suitable for farming due to the harsh weather conditions and rocky terrain, so these loose tribal groups relied on hunting an indigenous hooved creature similar to Caribou on Earth, called Nogai, to survive. To this day, the beast remains a vital part of their lives and diet and holds a very high place of respect in their belief system and customs.

Tacitus is primarily known for skilled Hunters and Woodsman. Although they are considered a backwoods and primitive people by most other humans in Caithness, their skill in riding, archery, tracking and guerrilla warfare have earned them respect throughout the nation.

Only 30 years ago, a young Knight named Sir Elohar, united the area into a cohesive military force. His new army provided critical aid to King Morill (father of the current King) against the last Orcish invasion. Tacitus was the front line in the final battle and the Hunters of Tacitus were instrumental in holding back the final assault.

Sir Elohar was granted lording status after the battle, and two decades later, King Conall VI made Elohar a baron. As a result, Elohar is fiercly loyal to the young King and he would demonstrate that in the upcoming conflict.

Tacitus was the first province to lend their forces in support of the King and against the rebellion started by Lord Deneral of Mershall, 11 years ago. Tacitus Hunter’s were instrumental in pacifying the initial attack on the capital, Carrick. The holding of Mershall, left defenseless from their attack, was invaded and forcibly incorporated into a temporary holding of the captial, Carrick. The majority of Mershall resents King Conall and there have been many instances of unrest and rebellion in the last 11 years.

Tacitus is known throughout Caithness as the first and most loyal supporter of the now 35 year old King Conall.. The people of Mershall have not forgotten this and neither have the rest of the lords in the rebellion. It has not been uncommon to have subversive and open terrorism on the people of Tacitus, and it’s surrounding trade routes, from those loyal to the rebellion.

Geography and Trade:

Tacitus is in a unique position of all the holdings in Caithness. Baron Elohar of Tacitus and Lord Berd of Fordham, the two most northern provinces, have always been loyal to the late King Morill and his son and successor Conall. This has been the case throughout the entirety of the current civil war.

The location of Tacitus gives it a strong defensive position. The main keep and the surrounding village are nestled between the Bronze Mountains in the west, woodlands in the east, the R Conn river in the north and the Great Desert border on the south. Any invading force will most likely come from the Mountains or the Desert and would be identified early on. To this day no Orc or hostile Human force has breached the walls of the Keep.

There isn’t as much suitable farmland in Tacitus as other areas of Caithness and it’s population is perhaps the fewest in all the nation. Despite this, it has become one of the most profitable and important holdings to King Conall due to the recent trade and diplomacy established with the Dwarven King of Ginnrel, Fedor Ironthews.

Dwarven smiths are commonly known as the best in Yrth and the City of Ginnrel has a particularly well respected reputation for this. The first ambassadors of King Morill established contact with the city almost immediately after the end of the Orc invasion. Primarily for trade, but also to enlist their friendship and assistance in the conflict with the rebellion.

Through lots of hard work on the part of the Human diplomats, treaties were signed and King Fedor looked past the blood in the past between Dwarf and Human and agreed to begin trade between the nations. After 23 years of good faith and peace, King Fedor is close to lending military support to King Callon against the rebellion. This is a major strategy of the Human King and he is prepared to invest whatever it takes to hold Tacitus in order to help further facilitate this alliance.

The leadership of Baron Elohar has united the proud and skillful hunters of this region behind King Callon and have thus far proven to be a valuable asset to the King’s hope to stay in power. Under Elohar, farms have been developed in-between Tacitus and the Bronze mountains and he has vastly increased the size of the town surrounding the keep.

People and Culture:

The original inhabitants of Tacitus have seen their lives change drastically in the past 30 years.

Due to economic opportunities and foreign influence, there are many alternatives to living off of the land and the skills of the Hunters have been largely militarized over years of conflict with the Orcs. Immigration has also increased significantly since the Orc war ended and trade with the Dwarves brought supporting industries and hopeful entrepreneurial pilgrims from throughout Caithness.

There are currently roughly 5000 (and growing) merchants, herders, farmers, priests and peasants living in Tacitus and it’s surrounding farmlands. They are under the protection of 50 or so hunters, some local militia and 11 Knights of the Stone, including the Baron Elohar. Upon request from Elohar, King Callon has commissioned a large amount of gold to hire mercenaries to reinforce the holding. The first round of which are currently inbound.

Humans have historically been the predominant race in Tacitus. The Forest to the East is home to a small and declining Elven population that is rarely seen or heard from. There are stories of past conflicts between the original Humans and the Elven tribes in this region but the Humans were largely victorious and the remaining Elves have not been heard or seen in quite some time.

Half-Elves, Half-Orcs and Halflings are not unheard of in Tacitus, but rare. All non-humans will face uphill social challenges in Tacitus.

A Brief Summary of Megalos and Caithness

Hyrnan, West Megalos

The great city of Megalos, the capital of the New Christian Kingdom of man, was founded in the year 1200 by the first king of Yrth, Simon Menelaus.

The Kingdom of Megalos and it’s lust for conquest and imperial control was able to utilize a common catalyst to drive men to war, and that was religion. In 1350, a Megalan warlord named Octavius Magnus turned the conquest of the land into a holy war.

There were a total of four Ytarrian Crusades, occurring between the mid 14th and 16th century. Mirroring the crusades of Earth, Man’s capacity for violence, in the name of faith and piety, followed him to the New World of Yrth.

Over the years, the un-unified Muslim people of the south transformed into three Islamic nations to better defend against continued aggression from the North.

Following the last fruitless crusade of 1525, Megalos and the Islamic Nations settled into a wary truce.

When the dust had settled, the Kingdom of Megalos was by far the largest and most powerful. Two of the Islamic nations remain, al-Haz and al-Wazif, of the three originally formed. The third of those nations was a prize for Megalos and it’s name was changed from al-Kard to Cardiel and converted to Christianity.

The spread of Megalos eventually led to a more-or-less unified Christian church. By 1400, virtually all Yrth’s Christians were subjects of the Megalan Empire. Soon this unity would be expressed by the five most prominent clergymen of Yrth forming the first Conclave of Archbishops, later called the Curia. This organization would develop immense power and political influence in the coming centuries.

Megalans settled the nation now known as Caithness at around 1800. The region was ideal for colonization, except for two factors, very little mana and too many orcs.

In 1826, after many years of bloody conflict with the orcs, King Conall I declared independence from Megalos and the Curia. This led to war but Caithness was able to push back the armies of Megalos and the Templars of the Curia. Perhaps it was battle hardened troops from fighting the Orcs for 25 years, perhaps it was the low mana which made the mighty battle mages of Megalos ineffective against the rebels, but Caithness had won their independence.

Necessity has forced the Empire of Megalos to accept Caithness’ sovereignty. Eventually, Caithness realigned itself with the powerful Curia, but for the past 180 years it has remained politically independent of Megalos.

Perhaps kingdom in name alone, Caithness is sparesly populated, underdeveloped and currently in the midst of a brutal civil war.

Because they live so far apart, Caithness’ nobles have enjoyed great autonomy. Historically, their loyalties have been held by a series of strong leaders of the Conall line. That has changed of late as the current king came to the thrown at such a young age that he never found the loyalty of all his lords. In the early years of his reign, the Barons paid little attention to matters outside their own lands, enjoying the lack of oversight. In 1995, this disgregard grew into unrest and then outright rebellion.

Today in the year 2005, and at the age of 35, King Conall the VI is fighting to reunite his kingdom.

Carrick, Caithness


A Brief History of Ytarria:

In the year 1050 AD, a storm of biblical proportions appeared on Earth. Known now simply as the “Banestorm.”

The Banestorm was a collective spell of immense power that originated on a distant planet called Yrth and from a continent called Ytarria. The sorcery behind the spell was the combined effort of numerous and powerful Elven mages that, in their bloodlust to end a war, unintentionally opened a dimensional rift that transported thousands of different creatures to Ytarria, Man being just one of them. What was supposed to save the Elves, may prove to eventually destroy them.

Prior to the Banestorm, Ytarria was home to three intelligent races, Eleves, Dwarves and Orcs. Records only go back to around 200 BC and it is unknown how long they have lived on Ytarria or how they got here. The Dwarves and Elves oscillated between war and peace, but both sides were united in their hatred for the Orcs. The Orcs had always been at war, with each other and with Dwarves and Elves.

A group of nationalistic Elves, now known as “Storm Bringers,” that were driven from their homeland by an Orc army, had such hatred for the beasts that they sought to rid the entire continent of them. The method to accomplish this was the Banestorm.

The spell horribly backfired, or perhaps it didn’t. Entirely new races and species of life were picked up from other worlds and transported to Ytarria. Humans were but one of the intelligent humanoids brought by the storm. Such hideous creatures as goblins, kobolds, reptile men, minotaurs, giants and halflings, to name a few, were also transported here with the dimensional gate.

There were long years of conflict and choas as each species settled into their new home. Some would not make it. The reason why the spell might be considered a success is that the Orcs are no longer a serious threat to the lands. Man and his skill for war and conquest was able to do what the Elves and Dwarves could never accomplish, and they eliminated Orcs entirely from most of Ytarria. They have since retreated from the nations of man to the desolate wastes of the NorthWest.

Prior to the Bane, Dwarves lived under every mountain range in Ytarria, but as humans spread, the smaller dwarven communities were abandoned or driven out. Dwarves no longer inhabit the Fence of God and the mountains of Megalos. Dwarves commonly hold resentment towards all Elves for past wars but mostly for the Banestorm, even though Elves as a whole are not to blame, but rather the Storm Bringers, the ones who summoned the storm.

The Elves are slowly disappearing from the land of Ytarria. Most surviving Elves live in loosely organized small tribes of 20-100, usually as far from Humans as possible. Although the remaining tribes are almost always distrustful of Humans, there is a small minority that live amongst them, primarily in the larger cities of Megalos. Due to their, apparent, lack of organized political will and power, the Elves have been largely pushed to the sidelines on Ytarria. Unlike the Dwarves, they don’t have large standing armies or legendary weaponsmits and thus don’t have the respect of the human nations. Human racism towards Elves and Half-Elves is not uncommon and is often reciprocated.

There are exceptions, but the majority of humans transported here by the Banestorm were Christian men and women from Western Europe from around the time of the first crusade on Earth. They found their feudal culture well-suited to the challenges of this land. The calculated leadership of the first King of Megalos, Simon Menelaus, produced the groundwork for the Human nations of Megalos and Caithness.

There were many Muslims that accompanied their European counterparts, but were concentrated in the southern provinces of Ytarria. In the far north, those of Scandinavian descent still strive for a place in Valhalla and, in the land known as Sahud, humans of Asian and North American Indian descent have been discovered.

The Banestorm had no boundaries and seems to know no closure, as cultures are sometimes transported from different time periods as well as locations of Earth, and elsewhere. Who knows what will come next through the fold?

Although humanity now has more in common than ever, sharp divides and mistrust still permeate relations on the New Eden. With the transplant of Man on Ytarria, he brought along with him his Religion and prejudices. Christian and Muslim nations exist and there has been a great deal of violence between them in the century that Humanity has called this planet home.

It is now the year 2006 and it has been almost a century since the Banestorm first brought the visitors to Ytarria.

1978: Born in Craine, Megalos, to wealthy aristocratic parents who were secretly Assassins descended from Italian Banestorm refugees. Birth name is Gabriel of House Auditore. He is the third son.

1980 (2): Baby sister is born.

1988 (10): Participates in his first assassination where he is used as a decoy. At the time, he thinks this is an awesome game cause he isn’t truly aware of what his family does.

1990 (12): Eldest brother is killed while on a mission. It will later be revealed that said brother was captured and thoroughly interrogated.

1992 (14): House Auditore is targeted for extermination by some of their victims. Only Gabriel and his father, Claudius, manage to survive and escape, although the elder Auditore is badly injured and will never fully recover. They flee west into Caithness, specifically Durham. The events of Banestorm: Lingering Wounds

1994 (16): Claudius finally succumbs to his injuries after having extracted from Gabriel a vow to not seek revenge upon the nobles who targeted the Auditores. The events of Banestorm: Widow’s Kiss. As soon as his father is laid to rest, Gabriel heads east, vengeance in his heart. For the next four years, he will haunt the western cities of Megalos, targeting select individuals whom he knows to have been part of the grand conspiracy. He uses Caithness as cover and invariably retreats there if the situation becomes too bleak.

1998 (20): Gabriel returns to Craine on the trail of the last noble family he knows to be involved in his family’s death. He is instantly entranced by the lordling’s new wife and eventually learns that this is an arranged and loveless marriage. After helping him murder the lordling, they consummate an illicity relationship … but come the morning, she raises the armcry with the story that Gabriel (going then by “Julius of House Firenza”) murdered her husband before raping her. Gabriel narrowly escapes capture and flees. He turns to the Church for sanctuary, fully intending upon hiding there for a while before making good his escape.

1999 (21): Word reaches “Brother Gabriel” (who has become a tolerably decent monk) that the Lady who used him has been put to death on charges of murder; her third husband has died a mysterious death. The bishop of the monastery then reveals to Gabriel that he knew the Auditores and actually enlisted their services a time or two (which sours Gabe on religion somewhat – he’s pious, but has no patience for clergy or the Church as an institution since he believes all priests are corrupt.) That night, fearing that the bishop means to use his skills for dark purposes, he flees into Caithness. Over the few years, he spends a great deal of time living in the mud among the peasantry with only his father’s sword to his name. He gains a great deal of compassion for the down-trodden. The events of Banestorm: Mercy Kill.

2000 (22): The events of Banestorm: Old Friends. The events of Banestorm: Foul Wretches.

2001 (23): Narrowly escaped the fall of Blythe when it fell to Saurians. His employer, a merchant he knew only as Fat Tom, was not as lucky, and Gabriel lost a fine horse he’d spent a lot of money on.

2002 (24): Spends about a year in Harkwood. The events of Banestorm: First Impressions. Becomes romantically involved with Miratáriel, an elf lass whose name he can barely pronounce – he calls her Mira because that’s at least part of her name – but their relationship ends amicably when she realizes that he’s getting restless. It isn’t until after he leaves Harkwood that he realizes Mira helped him get past the last of the lingering anger and rage he’d been suffering from since his youth. While in Harkwood, he briefly establishes the identity of Gavriel Costigan, a Megalan dancing master. The events of Banestorm: Three Dances.

2005-2006 (27-28): Dark Clouds Rising I. Auqui becomes Gabriel’s student.

2006-2008: (28-30) The Huallapan Crusade. The events of Banestorm: King’s Gambit. The events of Banestorm: Murky Waters. The events of Banestorm: Missed Opportunities. The events of Banestorm: War Footing. The events of Banestorm: Wet Work.

2010: (32) Gabriel and Auqui clash. The events of Banestorm: Blood Vow. Auqui departs Caithness; Gabriel pursues. The events of Banestorm: High Ground. The events of Banestorm: Dragon Mark

2012: (34) The events of Banestorm: Blood and Snow

2013: (35) The events of Banestorm: Angel of Death. The events of Banestorm: Highway Robbery.

2014: (36) The events of Banestorm: Bitter Homecoming. Dark Clouds Rising, Book II resumes. The events of Banestorm: Into Shadow. The events of Banestorm: Shadows Linger. The events of Banestorm: Journey’s End.

PDF Character Sheet

GCA File  PDF Character Sheet

Born in Grimswick, a fishing village on the SW coast of the Nomad Lands, son of a sailor/fisherman.
1992 (12):
Father & brother killed in great raid on Kethalos. Left to find his uncle, believed to be in mercenary service in Caithness.
1993 (13):
Joined his uncle in Caithness; already a “big kid,” accepted as his uncle’s shield-bearer. Learned about mercenary work, and developed a taste for the local brew.
1994 (14):
Followed uncle into battle against Deneral of Mershall. Picked up warhammer from fallen foe & put to good use, protecting his wounded uncle from rebel forces. Later named it “Gramjarn” (Wrath-Iron).
1995 (15):
Uncle’s injury never healed well enough to allow him to continue his mercenary career, so he and Rainald returned home and attempted to revive the family fishing (& raiding) business.
2000 (20):
Finally made a move on the village hottie, Gertruð, who confessed that, Björn, the eldest son of a jarl and heralded warrior, had preceded him. She explained that she had told Björn that she would answer his proposal upon his return from his father’s foreign trade mission, in five years, and that if “word reached her ears” of Rainald’s Glory™ before Björn’s return, she would marry him instead. Rainald decided to wander South, and take up mercenary work.
2001 (21):
Captured by Saurians at the fall of Blythe, on his birthday; escaped before being eaten/executed, aggressively-recovered Gramjarn, and fled north.
2003 (23):
Ended up in Wallace, doing occasional work escorting gold-miners and such. Called “North-Hammer” by fellow mercs.
2005 (25):
Present. Pretty much given up all hope for Gertruð.

Talon was brought up in a Christian family, the older of two children. His grandfather and grandmother had left Megalos for the Cathiness frontier, and settled in Tacitus at the base of the Bronze Mountains. It was in the family home, that his father was born, and then a generation later, Talon and his younger sister Alarya.

Tragedy struck the family when two years ago a small orc raiding party attacked the homestead. Talon and his father were seriously wounded and presumed dead by the orcs. To their great fortune a dwarf who was travelling to the Bronze Mountains had witnessed the event, and was able to save them both. Sadly, the orcs had taken Talon’s mother and sister.

Refusing to give up on his mother and sister, Talon took it upon himself to hire mercenaries to find the orcs and reunite his family. Unable to fund this himself, he brokered a deal with Alderic, a nefarious money lender in the city of Carrick. The mercenaries were partially successful and were able to return his sister, but the whereabouts and fate of his mother are still unknown. As insurance that the debt will be repaid, Alderic holds his sister in Carrick, where she also works to repay the debt.

Tending to livestock and crops leaves barely enough gold in the coffers for the next season. This will not repay the debt to Alderic. The call to arms by King Conall presented an opportunity Talon could not refuse, it would give him money, training and experience.

Talon Dunbar – Character Sheet (PDF)

Talon Dunbar – GCA File (right click save as)

It is with considerable trepidation that I put quill to ink in a meager attempt to record my thoughts and fears. By no stretch am I a great scholar nor a wordsmith – I am many things: a bladesman, a rogue, a thief, a murderer, a liar, a Lost Soul likely damned to burn for my sins of which there are many. Of the Lord’s Commandments, I have violated all but two – never have I sought a God other than the Almighty, nor have I made false idols in His Name. All the rest have I broken and none do I regret more than my sundering of the Fifth.

But my thoughts wander astray and leadeth me into temptation. Who am I? I am Gabriel, of the fallen House Auditore, late of Crane and of Megalos. And, like my father before me, and his father, I was an Assassin.

I fear not these words falling into false hands, for I compose this using the codes and cyphers taught to me by my father, who learned from his father, and so on, back to the beginning. If you have the skill to break these cyphers, then I congratulate you and pray that I am already dead.

But no matter. I fell from Grace long ago, and now seek my path as that of a common mercenary, selling my blade to those who can afford it and seeking adventure where I should seek forgiveness. I am at peace with the Lord’s plan – would he save me from the cruel fate that fell upon my House if he did not have a Plan? He placed my feet upon this Path and I shall stride forth, eager to serve as he directs and be his blade where he needs me. The Lord knows I am a sinner – perhaps it is a sinner and not an upright man that he requires.

Of late, I travel with three – a northerner named Rainald who is strong of arm and of heart; a Franciscan named Mendel who is unlike any priest I have had the misfortune of dealing with; and an archer known as Talon, who is hunted for a crime he did not commit. An assassin – I know not if this man possessed True Training or no – slew the duke of Tacitus, and Talon is now hunted for this crime. Though this murderer – I hesitate to call him an Assassin – was later slain, my curiosity, ever my bane, has kept me at Talon’s side – if the murderer was truly trained in the Art as I was, then those he called Master must invariably move against any they consider threats. I had believed that the conspiracy that robbed me of my House was slain by my actions but now I wonder if it was wider than I feared.

But again I digress. I blame these meanderings upon poor sleep. My dreams have been dark of late, ever since the Great Desert. My companions and I ventured deep into its heart with a scholar and met what I can only call demons. The scholar lies in a deep, unnatural slumber and I wonder if ere he shall wake.

Tonight we sleep here in Bordertown. It is an ugly place with no grace or beauty. Men come here with dreams of glory and venture forth to die with naught but those dreams. If e’er I must enter that desert again, it will be too soon. Rather would I spend interminable weeks listening to theologians debate trivial points of the Bible than face one of those sand demons again.

But I tire and my hand weakens for I am unaccustomed to such scribe work.