Olympus RPG Blog

Olympus Role Playing Group Blog

Dane in desert garb












1978- Dane is born at Castle Defiant; his family had fought in the Orcs Wars and has decided to stay with Lord Jerrik at Castle Defiant.
1985- People of Castle Defiant start disappearing; Orcs are seen outside the Castle wall. Dane is given a bow at a young age and is taught how to shoot from the high walls.
1994- Dane leaves with Lord Kerin to seek out help for Castle Defiant. Dane is sent to Wallace to ask for help with the incoming refugees from Defiant. Lord Wallace grants refuge for anyone in need. Castle Defiant falls to the Orcs
1996- Dane becomes a soldier in Lord Wallace’s army and quickly falls in ranks with the archers.
1998- Dane starts to train as a scout and is asked to watch the western dessert for any Orc movements
2000- Dane starts hearing rumors about missing miners at the mines. With mounting tension growing with King Conall and the Royalists; Dane is asked to stay close to Wallace in case defense is of the Castle is needed.
2005- Present* Dane is sent back out to the desert under the command of Captain Brontus and has been tracking the cause of the missing miners and has been given an order by Lord Wallace to find out everything he can, and by any means he can as to what is causing the trouble at the mines.

Recently Dane has received new order. He has been tasked with finding a group of people that have had contact with what is believed to be causing the disappearances in the desert. This is very intriguing to Dane and he is eager to find out what they have learned.

Name: Dane Sardock
Race: Human

One man was fatally shot in a fight that broke out about 11:00 p.m. Saturday in the 4100 block of Southwest Forty-First Street in Seattle.

The victim was apparently part of a chaotic crowd that had emptied from a nearby nightclub, according to Lone Star Security forces.

The gunshot victim, who was not identified, was shot in the head. He was pronounced dead on arrival. No other casualties were reported, although bullet holes on the club have been tentatively identified as coming from a submachine gun of unknown manufacture. No such weapon has been discovered in the area.

Police said witnesses “were less than forthcoming with investigating officers.” Details of the shooting remain under investigation.

Update: Sources inside Lone Star have indicated that this killing is now suspected to be a robbery gone wrong, as the victim’s personal belongings were stripped from his body by an unknown person or persons, possibly the shooter.

Investigating officials have confirmed that all CCTV units in the area were offline prior to the incident so no recordings of the firefight exist.

Anyone with information regarding this shooting is encouraged to contact Lone Star.


13°C | 56°F
Wind: S at 6 mph
Humidity: 71%

10-Nov-2173 (14:25:38)
Ships status: All systems normal
Navigational status: APISHLUN SUBSECTOR (0524), IRASHDAA

10-Nov-2173 (02:00:00)
Ships status: All systems normal
Navigational Status: APISHLUN SUBSECTOR (0524), IRASHDAA

7-Nov-2173 (11:05:48)
Ships status: All systems normal
Navigational Status: APISHLUN SUBSECTOR (0524), IRASHDAA

31-Oct-2173 (21:35:22)
Ships status: All systems normal
Navigational Status: APISHLUN SUBSECTOR (0723), SHIKASHU

30-Oct-2173 (14:21:16)
Ships status: All systems normal
Navigational Status: APISHLUN SUBSECTOR (0723), SHIKASHU

By C.Kent ckent@seattletimes.com

Seattle law enforcement dismissed rumors flying around Saturday afternoon that two people had been taken into custody and charged in the brutal killing of Jackson Rollo at a local Park.

“We are interviewing people right now, but no arrests have been made,” Lt. Pat Crowe said. “We’ve got some leads that appear pretty promising. But there’s still a lot of leg work left to do.”

No suspects have been named yet in connection with the killing. Seattle Lone Star Chief Carlos Mestas said evidence at this point indicates that the person responsible was not someone Rollo knew. This also supports the theory that he fell victim to a carjacking gone bad.

Rollo, an executive with Aztech, was killed sometime Thursday night or Friday morning at Convenient Park. He was found with his throat slit and his body left bleeding near the roadway on Friday morning.

Police have not yet recovered Rollo’s missing car, calling it a necessary breakthrough in the search for the Seattle man’s killer.

Chief Mestas described the 2056 Audi A10 as a “key piece of evidence” in the ongoing investigation.

“Locating the vehicle is very important and will led to some great leads,” Mestas said. “We will be working throughout the night to find the people responsible.”

Read Saturday’s Sentinel for complete details.

Several pages from this journal have been destroyed by water damage and are illegible. It resumes in mid-sentence, with no indication of the date or the context although modern researchers have narrowed the date down to one of three in the year 2005 based on the reference to a sandstorm that wiped out Bordertown.

-damage is beyond the scope of anything I have witnessed before. Entire buildings have vanished, swallowed up by the sands, and the locals wandered the streets with wide, terrified eyes. Mendel did what he could to succor them though it was for naught as a small band of riders entered led by a captain named Benwell. They bore a strange story, of being overwhelmed by great insects in the desert commanded by a magic-using devilspawn. Their injuries were dire and the fear in their eyes too clear to be a lie and it was decided to abandon Bordertown, to retreat to Wallace. Our aid in convincing the citzenry was needed but we knew it would not be enough – the Enemy was too close and would reach the outskirts before the commonfolk could flee. A plan was agreed upon: we would remain behind with the Thunder to hold off the creatures and sell ourselves to save who could escape. I thought it a good plan, one worthy of us, and volunteered to scout our foes.

Atop Cometes I rode forth into the desert, skirting the escarpments and staying out of sight. The Enemy approached on swift legs, marching with military precision. Tall they were, a hand and a half greater than even Rainald, and dark scarlet in color, with broad wings and long glaives. Their captain floated at their back though he was gray and seemed to have no wings. None looked like the two creatures we fought in the desert. I counted eighteen of the red ones, though another pair came was revealed to me when I sought to return to the town. Neither of these scouts saw my passage.

In Bordertown I reported to Benwell. Thunder he may be but I thought him to be timid and unmanned by his flight from the creatures so it was to Rainald that I deferred to in terms of military strategy. It was decided that our band would move forward and ambush the scouts in the hopes that it would slow the full force. One of the Thunder accompanied us, a boy by the name of Radskyrta.

The ambush was successful though it was a close thing. I struck from concealment at one of the red creatures, but its hide turned my father’s sword aside and it grasped me with strong arms. God was with me as I was able to plunge a dagger into the beast’s eye, felling it. The other Rainald and Radskyrta charged, but they were laden down with mail so I was able to reach it before they much to my detriment as its glaive cut deeply into my flesh. It felled Radskyrta and Mendel disarmed it with a grace I had not expected from such a portly priest. Rainald then smote it with a blow the slew it outright. Again Mendel proved his worth by recalling Radskyrta from the brink of death and washing away my injuries with magic. Truly, God is good.

Back to Bordertown we went where Benwell declared his intent to abandon our charge and follow the commoners to Wallace. Again we volunteered to remain upon the flank to observe and ensure that the foul creatures would take no more lives. I suspect that our bravery surprised Benwell – for were we not mere mercenaries? – but it served a valuable purpose. The creatures entered Bordertown and ransacked it, seemingly searching for victims. Their foul leader then wove some great magicks that caused many fires before creating some sort of portal that the beasts used to depart. I rode to Benwell to advise him of this, then returned to my companions and suggested we retrieve the bodies of the two we slew for further study.

Night began to fall before we could reach Wallace so it was decided we would set camp and finish our journey upon the morrow. And what will that day bring us I cannot help but to wonder…