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Dramatis Personæ

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Wherein the company helps Finn Sardock return to Yrth…

  • Finn Sardock gates in to meet the Company as they arrive in this strange world, and explains his situation—he has been hiding here for (probably) seven years—before gating them back to his adopted home, an otherwise-abandoned, walled town, on a hard-to-reach hill.
    • Ammerah is at the town, with their two young children.
    • With them in the town are forty-or-so refugees, total-pacifists who will not touch weapons at all.
  • Finn cloaks the beacon to suppress its magical signature, lest it draw too much hostile attention. Later he uncloaks it to study it, to discover how to use it to guide him in creating a portal back to Yrth, knowing that the local enemies, “Nightmares” and their “beast-man” army, will notice it and attack.
  • In the night, an eyeless “Nightmare,” armored and bearing a strange sword, appears in the courtyard and attacks Finn, but is repelled by Thorondil and Ismir, as the rest arrive to see it disappear into the shadows.
  • The next day, the Company looks to shore up the town’s defenses against the inevitable assault, supervised by Brumrumli, while Finn’s family and the refugees prepare to evacuate.
  • The beast-man army attacks the town gates and breaks through, just as the Company, Finn, and the rest of the town’s occupants flee through Finn’s portal.

Dramatis Personæ

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Wherein the company battles ghouls and snatches an artifact…

  • At Iram dhāt al-ʿimād, the Company finds itself surrounded by ghouls, and fights them back-to-back, until they finally break.
    • Brumrumli wields “Klang” for the first time.
    • Haruki is cut a time or two but shrugs it off.
    • Ismir’s arm is severely crippled.
    • Thorondil wields “Grimslaughter” for the first time.
    • The fight is joined by some sort of “carnivorous mist” that devours the surviving ghouls as they run away.
  • They quickly grab the altar and flee the ruined city, staying just out of reach of the mist.
  • After some days, they return to the Citadel of Ten Thousand Pearls, and present the altar to Zat Al-Dawahi. She needs a few days to prepare for the next task.
  • After preparing, ZAD summons the Company. She presents them with an “anchor” to take through a portal to the world where Finn Sardock is lost. There he can use it as a guide to create his own portal to return.
  • ZAD creates the portal, and the Company enters, arriving in another world. They are met by a years-older Finn Sardock, who asks, “What took you so long?…”

Dramatis Personæ

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Wherein the company journeys to the City of Ten Thousand Pillars…

  • Rewind: The Company spends some of their off-time gearing up for the next mission.
    • Aramis finds a strange ring
    • Ismir hires a local sage to identify the magical properties of the ornate bowl he found hidden in Farouk Ibn Said’s palace, and the strange “pendant” he found in the dragon’s hoard.
  • The Company sets out for Iram dhāt al-ʿimād.
  • A couple of days on, they encounter the scene of a massacre of a colony of Dragon-Sworn who had occupied an abandoned city.
  • Entering the Great Desert, they encounter a nearly-dead man in the desert, apparently fleeing Iram dhāt al-ʿimād. As the Company carries him with them in a cart, he dies, and is later buried when the Company makes camp.
  • A week on, the Company arrives at the lost city of Iram dhāt al-ʿimād.
  • As they reach their objective, the altar Zat Al-Dawahi had sent them to retrieve, they are confronted by a band of ghouls, led by a spellcaster, who orders them to attack…

Dramatis Personæ

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Wherein the company returns to the Citadel of Ten Thousand Pearls…

  • Continued from last session
  • Farouk Ibn Said is cast down to the arena floor, where Zyanra is allowed to end him finally to her satisfaction with Ismir’s meteoric knife.
  • Thorondil, Haruki, and Ismir go to the palace to join Zat Al-Dawahi’s triumphant forces in the looting. Ismir finds a secret stash containing an item of great value in the palace.
  • The company joins ZAT’s forces as they return to the Citadel of Ten Thousand Pearls, sped along by ZAT’s magic.
  • At the Citadel:
    • Aramis rests, to recover from his injuries.
    • Brumrumli is summoned to a meeting with the visiting merchant, Thráin Ironfist, who attempts to extort him into aiding his business.
    • Haruki interacts with a gaggle of oprhans/urchins, to their great amusement.
    • Thorondil meets Zyanra’s litter-mates.
    • Ismir encounters his former wife, whom he thought dead, finding her happily married to another, with a young son.
  • Waiting for five days:
    • Brum is magically transported to another plane, where he lives a lifetime, is married, widowed, and lives as an airship captain, before returning suddenly, mere seconds after he had gone.
    • Haruki encounters a slave ring and destroys it utterly, during which his lack of restraint causes him some concern.
    • Thorondil encounters a pair of dragons (he did not know at the time were Primus and Secundus) and releases them.
    • Ismir, depressed about his wife, asks ZAT for a mission; she sends him to kill a dragon, and he returns with a unique item from its hoard.
  • The company is briefed on their next task, to go to the “lost” City of Ten Thousand Pillars to retrieve a golden altar.

Dramatis Personæ

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Wherein the company fights in a pit while the city around them burns…

  • Continued from last session
  • Brumrumli, Haruki, and Thorondil meet in the middle of the arena and fight back-to-back. Haruki is saved from certain death from behind when Brum throws himself into the path of a mighty blow that cripples his arm through his shield.
  • Ismir cripples a spearman and leaves him to aid Aramis, but the spearman, from the ground, hurls his spear and strikes Ismir in the back, wounding him grievously.
  • Aramis duels an Elven swordsman, equally matched, until Aramis finally makes a mistake his foe can take for an advantage and is struck, passing out just as the others of the company arrive to his rescue.
  • Meanwhile, overhead, the giant, translucent figures of Zat Al-Dawahi and Farouk Ibn Said hurl spells at each other until Farouk is defeated, falling to the arena floor, while ZAD’s invaders defeat the city’s defenders, and spread throughout the city, looting and burning everything in their path.

Dramatis Personæ

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Wherein the company delivers a message to the Half-Djinn…

  • The company spends a day at the oasis to allow the injured time to recover. Thorondil casts Minor Healing for the first time. Evidence suggesting the Yuan-Ti vampire is still “alive” is found in the vicinity.
  • The journey to the City of Ten Thousand Delights is resumed, taking another five days.
  • Zyanra waits outside the city, holding Ismir’s meteoric dagger, while the rest are taken to the palace for an audience with Farouk Ibn Said to deliver Zat Al-Dawahi’s message (under the name, Altaïr Ibn-La’Ahad).
  • Farouk’s vizier opens the scroll on his behalf, revealing the image of ZAD, who “explains” in a language the company did not understand. In his anger, Farouk teleports the company to a fighting pit, to fight a selection of foes uniquely suited to their abilities.
  • Some moments after the fight begins, a freak lightning storm erupts, depositing the forces of ZAD, and herself, ready to attack…

Dramatis Personæ

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Wherein the company is set upon by gnolls…

  • On the way to the City of Ten Thousand Delights, as the Company camps for the night, they are ambushed, caught unarmored, by a band of gnolls led by Heroc, the minotaur Zistral fought at the Kelmarane Battle-Market, bent on revenge. Battle ensues, and the gnolls are no pushovers.
  • Again, a one-eyed eyeless Yuan-Ti (now pale, and stinking of death) sprang out of ambush to attack Aramis. Again, Aramis spit the creature’s skull on his sword. The creature dissipated into mist and floated away with the wind.
  • Ismir caught an unlucky blow and was greatly wounded, though he managed to spear his attacker before he could execute a coup de grace.
  • Zyanra fought off two gnolls on her own, but was wounded before Thorondil could come to her rescue.
  • Haruki took a blow from the minotaur’s axe that would have killed a lesser man, before smashing its skull with his testubo.
  • The loss of their leader broke the gnolls’ spirit, and a few managed to flee.

Dramatis Personæ

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Wherein the company is house-guest to a goddess…

  • The company (minus Gestlin) found themselves teleported to the Citadel of Ten-Thousand Pearls, and the court of the djinn ruler, Zat al-Dawahi. They are made to explain their purpose, that being to seek her aid in the rescue of Finn Sardock
  • At dinner, Zat revealed that she believes she can, with much difficulty, rescue Finn, at the cost of three tasks the company must perform. Also, Ammerah is already present with him, which the djinn interpreted to mean she must send Ammerah to Finn’s location a week or two into the past.
  • The following morning, Ammerah was sent through a portal to Finn.
  • Exploring the city, Brumrumli encountered a familiar dwarf, Thráin Ironfist, in a cage, to be sold at market as a slave. Thorondil sneaked in and unlocked the cage, allowing him to escape. Believing Brum responsible, Thráin indicated he owes him a debt, before disappearing.
  • At evening dinner, Zat tasked the company with delivering a message to Farouq ibn Said, the half-djinn who previously enslaved Zyanra, and escaped death at the Kelmarane Battle-Market.
  • Ismir requested of Zat to be allowed to claim a knife left stuck in the hall floor, to be “used upon her enemies,” and it was granted.
  • With Zyanra as “advisor,” the company set out for the City of Ten Thousand Delights, Farouq’s domain, upon the following morning.

Dramatis Personæ

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Wherein the company is confronted by a trapped djinn…

  • After the scouts reported no activity in Dulihiban, only the “glass statues,” the company entered the city to see what they could find.
  • They encountered a (not-glass) man calling himself al-Nur, sultan of this city, who asked for assistance releasing his “friend” from the treasury.
  • At the treasury, in a ruined tower of the city palace, the man revealed himself to be a djinn and prevented the company from leaving the chamber, cloaking them in magical darkness and provoking them to attack. Aramis was accidentally stabbed by Ismir in the darkness. Thorondil accused the sultan of being a bad host, and after a more-pleasant parley, agreed to free him from his prison, a man-sized crystal like those encountered in Yaqut min Alraml, in exchange for their release. After doing so, the tower collapsed.
  • At camp, Thorondil relented, and used Smil-Blam on Gestlin, though it turned him instead into a turtle.
  • The company traveled on to the Citadel of Ten-Thousand Pearls, to the border of the lands of Zat al-Dawahi, where they were stopped by a flash of bright light…

Dramatis Personæ

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Wherein a strange sandstorm changes everything…

  • Post-battle, Ammerah tended the injured, with Gestlin’s help, while the caravan survivors prepared shelter from the incoming sandstorm.
  • All present sheltered in tents as the sandstorm arrived; the unconscious and/or injured were dragged inside. During the storm, all were affected magically:
    • Aramis’ left arm turned to copper
    • Brumrumli’s beard and hair are enveloped in flames that don’t burn
    • Haruki grew 5 inches taller
    • Ismir seemed unaffected, though he was unconscious from his wounds
    • Thorondil’s wing-harness disappeared, but the wings became permanent
    • Gestlin became a hawk
    • Ammerah and Zyanra switched bodies
    • Of the other survivors: One turned to sand, one killed by plants growing out of him, one grew 5 inches shorter, one grew 10 years younger, one’s tongue became that of a serpent
  • In the morning, the survivor with the serpent’s tongue, believing himself cursed by Allah, had gone into the desert to die. Thorondil and Gestlin flew to find him, but were unable to save him from a buried, giant desert creature (AKA Deserthulhu).
  • The company traveled to Dulihiban with the remaining caravaners and their dozen-or-so camels, hoping to purchase some of the camels there for their own use.
  • Dulihiban was found by Thorondil to be deserted, but Ismir entered and found the population turned to glass.