Olympus RPG Blog

Olympus Role Playing Group Blog

Losing Hand

After being briefly confronted by a curious neighbor, Mr. M and Paladin fled Cho’s apartment and left the complex via the apartments’ enclosed fire escape, triggering the door-alarm as they exited before security forces could arrive. They didn’t get far before being contacted by the other DXM members, and directed to meet up on the street the BTL-dealer they found in the club had identified as Ghoul’s turf; the others were already en route.


The light drizzle turned to rain as the Team reunited, to compare notes. They set about scouring the indicated street for possible criminal headquarters, and found a likely spot: a dark, narrow alley spanned by a fence-gate, guarded by a gruff-looking ork smoking a cigarette. There appeared to be a courtyard beyond. Ditch volunteered to scout the site from the rooftops, and Paladin offered to go along.

The two found a good spot to ascend a short way down the block, a rain-slicked fire escape to an adjoining building. They scaled up, and made their way to the alley. Ditch, being the more-skilled at this sort of thing, was in the lead. As they approached their intended, initial vantage point, Paladin slipped up and put his knee through a weak spot in the roofing; as far as Ditch could tell, the misstep had attracted no attention, so they continued the operation. In position, they observed the ork, and a pair of female “entertainment” in front of a warehouse back-entrance, chatting; the guard was armed with a submachine gun, laying atop an oil-drum—clearly not expecting trouble. As Ditch and Paladin quietly relayed the intel, the other Team members spotted two thug-types forcibly leading a third up to the gate, flipping up a hidden wall-panel to press a buzzer; Ditch and Paladin observed the ork react to the buzzer and approach the gate. The new thugs were greeted in a friendly manner, and allowed to enter with their charge, who was seated on a crate in the courtyard before being led inside a beat later.

As Ditch and Paladin continued to observe, Ivory, Bookworm and Mr. M approached the gate and pressed the buzzer. The ork-guard approached the gate again and challenged the strangers; Ivory stated that she and her “bodyguards” were here to see Ghoul, but would not divulge the nature of her business with him to “the help.” The guard grudgingly let them through, and took them into the warehouse.


Inside the warehouse, they found the two thugs from before, flanking the third guy, standing before what appeared to be their boss —presumably, Ghoul— a somewhat-pale, Oriental fellow with a traditional “Fu-Manchu” beard. They watched as the third man pleaded for mercy, but it was not granted; at Ghoul’s nod, the two thugs restrained him, holding his right hand forward as Ghoul unceremoniously sawed off his pinky with a knife. After the initial screaming had passed, Ghoul held up the severed digit before “Mr. Fail,” saying, “Let this serve as a reminder to you that I do not accept failure.” He then put the bloody end to his lips, and sucked it like it was candy, before casting it aside. Ivory managed to choke back her disgust at the display. With a wave of dismissal, Mr. Fail was half-carried back out the way they came, where Ditch and Paladin observed his release.


Ghoul then turned his attention to Ivory and her bodyguards, inquiring about their business with him, and confirming that they had indeed found their man. Ivory assumed her “Southern Belle” persona, Anne Benoit, and claimed to be looking to distribute high-grade BTL in the Confederation, and was exclusively interested in this new “Cecilia” thing she’s heard about. Deceptively, perhaps, though there was no outward indication, Ghoul seemed to be genuinely interested in the opportunity, and how this out-of-towner came to know of Cecilia. He insisted on knowing who Ivory was working for; she responded in kind, offering to trade revelations. Amused, Ghoul invited her into his nearby office.

Meanwhile, at the rooftops, Ditch and Paladin began to creep their way over to a skylight atop the warehouse building. Once again, the rain-slicked masonry betrayed Paladin while scaling down, and he fell with an audible thud. Concerned about the possibility of detection, Ditch decided to see if the courtyard occupants had reacted to the sound; as he peeked over the roof’s edge, he locked eyes with one of the guards who just so happened to be looking in that direction at that moment—probably only saw the pale glow of his eyes in the shadow. Ditch simply slipped back out of sight, but the thug yelled after whoever-it-was on the roof to show himself. There was no reply. Ditch quietly announced over the commlink that, “We’ve been made”—which Ivory could hear on her comm implant—before he and Paladin continued creeping forward, intent on not being where the thugs had spotted him.

Bookworm and Mr. M followed Ivory and Ghoul into the office, where he offered them some warm sake before continuing the conversation with Ivory. On the spot, Ivory offered as her employer the “Ditched Paladins,” a well-known street gang in the South. In kind, Ghoul strongly hinted that he belonged to the Yakuza—confirming what they already suspected after the “pinky” incident earlier. The back-and-forth continued, and Ghoul eventually revealed that he had a local production facility for the manufacture of copies of the Cecilia chips. Ivory responded with “feminine wiles,” throwing him off-balance (and probably “her bodyguards” as well), and extracting an offer to give her a tour of the facility; she agreed to let him pick her up tomorrow evening at her hotel (which he didn’t know she hadn’t checked into yet—M would have to fix that).

The lascivious display was interrupted, as one of the thugs from outside came in to inform Ghoul of the roof-sighting. After demanding they get up there and get rid of the pests, he asked Ivory if she knew anything about the roof-lurkers, or if it were a mere coincidence—she innocently claimed coincidence. Ghoul then excused himself, the business at-hand having been for-the-most-part concluded, and politely escorted the three of them back to the courtyard.

Through the skylight, Ditch and Paladin could see the Ground Team leaving, and were about to clear off the roof to the street when they heard the thugs climbing up in that direction; they decided instead to sneak back the way they came up. However, once the thugs reached the roof, they moved fairly quickly; Paladin fell behind Ditch’s expert pace, and had to duck out of the way, keeping to the shadows as the thugs passed him by. Ditch spotted Paladin’s predicament, and made a bit of noise to get the thugs moving his direction, drawing them in before bolting out of the shadows to scramble up the wall to the adjoining higher-level rooftop. The thugs opened fire with pistols; one bullet struck Ditch in the back, not penetrating his armored trenchcoat, and slowing him not at all. The thugs continued to pursue, one boosting the other up the ten-foot rise; as the thug on top pulled his head and arm over the lip of the roof, his face was met with the rainy, cold barrel of a shortened combat shotgun, and behind that, a glowing pair of eyes in the shadow. A voice colder than the gun-barrel chastised him, saying, “You don’t know what you’re fuckin’ with”—at which point, the thug lost all interest in continued pursuit, much to the confusion of his partner below, still boosting him up.

Below, Ivory, Bookworm and Mr. M were being let out of the gate, when everyone there heard gunfire from above—the Ground Team figured the Roof Team could handle themselves, or they would’ve commed for help, so they joked with their new comrades about the “rats around here” before heading to their waiting transportation. They were met a few minutes later by Ditch and Paladin, who had made good their respective escapes, and they all left to look into their other lead, the nightclub, Synapse, where they hoped to find John Cho.


Synapse lacked the usual line of potential entrants that one would normally expect at this time of night, presumably due to the need to stand in the rain. The doorman was a heavily-muscled man who was clearly disinterested in his job; he didn’t bother with more than a look-over for weapons before letting the Team through the door.

It didn’t take long for them to spot John Cho lounging in the glass-fronted VIP enclosure, and they seated themselves at a nearby lounge area within line-of-sight of the VIP room. Cho looked as he did in the tagged image that Mr. M found on his social media profile, not in the company dossier, and he was accompanied by some “female entertainment”—looking like quite the high-roller.

Some time later, the Team observed a new arrival at the club entrance—Ghoul, accompanied by a single bodyguard. He did not spot Ivory, but went straight to the VIP room, where he was greeted by Cho as an old friend and ushered in. A beat later, an attractive woman looking less than alert—drugged, or drunk, perhaps?—was brought to the VIP room by a couple of burly fellows; Cho’s body language and Ghoul’s reaction (in lieu of being able to hear what was said) seemed to suggest the girl was a “gift” to Ghoul. The Yakuza middleman sniffed the girl up and down for bit, before appearing to sink his teeth into her neck, confirming the Team’s suspicions from earlier—undoubtedly, Ghoul was a vampire (raising Paladin’s ire, as he possessed a long-standing, unquenchable hatred of them). The “gift” was allowed to slump to the table, and Ghoul and Cho continued their business. Cho presented Ghoul with a BTL chip—the team assumed this to be a new build of the Cecilia program, indicating that he was still working on it—along with a sensie player; Ghoul jacked in for a bit, and seemed approving after unplugging. Cho put the chip in a carry case that contained several more, which Ghoul slipped into his jacket pocket.

As the scene in the VIP played out, the Team discussed how to proceed. They needed to find out what name Cho might be using to find more information about his recent activities, so Mr. M took the initiative by going over to the bar and bumping into a waitress (that had been serving the VIP room) on the way. After a duel-of-apologies, M asked who it was in the VIP, so that he could buy him a drink to replace the one he had spilled; the waitress revealed his name as Tanaka Saiko, the club’s owner. Bookworm recognized the surname as one commonly associated with the Seattle Yakuza. Now the pieces of the puzzle seemed to fit together: “John Cho” was a Yakuza agent inserted into the company specifically to steal their work; after it was stolen, the “Cho” identity was no longer needed. Of course, this meant that in order to accomplish the mission—recover the data and return Cho to the company—would require crossing the Yakuza. On the Team’s behalf, Bookworm called Claudia to inform her of their revelation; she acknowledged the tricky situation, and responded with a challenge: to choose a side. From that point, the Team’s discussion took on a new focus, that is, how to accomplish the letter of their mission without pissing off the Yakuza—not an easy task. Any way, their only play was to ambush one or both of Ghoul and Cho…Tanaka as they left the club.

Some time later, Ghoul and his bodyguard left the VIP and headed toward the club’s entrance. With no time to consider, Ivory caught up to Ghoul at the door and bumped into him, playing at being drunk, while picking his pocket; she managed to come up with the chip-case without being noticed. Ghoul pretended he wasn’t suspicious of this second “coincidence,” and promised to see her again at the agreed-upon time.

The rest of DXM was a short distance behind, Ditch being the first out the door. He watched Ghoul and his bodyguard cross the street and enter their vehicle. He relayed the make-and-model to the others, and hasted to his bike to follow.


  • Paladin’s player had a particularly bad night with the dice, especially when it came to the sneaking about; Paladin isn’t as skilled as Ditch in that regard, but not that much
  • The GM didn’t have any nationally-known gangs headquartered in the South in mind, so he left it to Ivory’s player to come up with a name: she offered the Ditched Paladins, the inspiration for which should be pretty obvious
  • I was having a hard time not having Ditch kill the thugs at the warehouse, but I didn’t want to spoil Ivory’s cover. After the fact, I realized that his having his face seen by them, though obscured by the darkness, might be an issue later—so he probably should have killed them
  • Ivory got damned lucky picking Ghoul’s pocket; she only has an 11, and the case was in an inside pocket
  • Due to the circumstances at home at the time, the GM had nothing pressing going on, so we ended up playing extra late, hence the length, here. In spite of the extra time, though, the “investigatory” goings-on still tended to drag on, as usual; we’re working on a solution to that

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20°C | 68°F
Wind: S at 7 mph
Humidity: 63%


  • Bookworm (Herodian); Human Wizard
  • Ditch (Gigermann); Human Traceur
  • Ivory (Melissa); Human Social-Engineer
  • Mr. M (Winston); Human Hacker
  • Paladin (Rigil Kent); Human/Dhampir Street Samurai

Security Leak

20:00, 3.14 weeks since the showdown with the Wrecking Crew.


Ditch returned home from getting breakfast. In the hall outside his Redmond Barrens low-rent apartment, he found Kyra, his little sister in all but blood, is waiting for him. Inside, while raiding his fridge, the thirteen-year-old claimed this was nothing more than a social call, but Ditch suspected she has something troubling on her mind—trouble with foster-parents, maybe? The fridge yielding less than optimal results, she convinced Ditch to take her to get something to eat; at a nearby Stuffer Shack, he finally coaxed the truth out of her—she needed to borrow ¥2000 to bail her boyfriend out of some trouble. Mid-intervention, the phone rings: Claudia calling about a job. Ditch agreed to meet at the specified bar downtown—always a different place—and to get in contact with Mr. M and Bookworm on her behalf. Time to go to work; the intervention would have to wait. Ditch took Kyra back to the apartment and gave her the money—he had plenty, so it was no bother to him—but knowing the Street as he did, he knew better than to think the money would wipe away the problems by itself; he tried to explain that it was the boyfriend’s responsibility to pay back the loan, and not hers, but parenting/mentoring not being a skill anywhere near his résumé, she took it the wrong way. He offered to drop her off somewhere, but she refused, opting instead to walk home in the rain. Disappointed but resigned, he got back to work calling up the other DXM members. He managed to get hold of Bookworm and M, before gearing up and heading downtown to the meeting.

As usual, Bookworm was about to head out clubbing with his bad-influence buddy, Wallace, when he got Ditch’s call, but dropped his plans for work’s sake; Wallace was annoyed at the interruption. As usual, Mr. M was surfing the matrix at the time Ditch texted him, and had simply missed Claudia’s earlier call; he agreed to the meeting as well. Vapor had spoken to Claudia already, and was unavailable on other business—still mentally recovering from his near-death at the business-end of a minigun, he had expressed the possibility of his early retirement from shadowrunning.




Claudia awaited the Team in the upper level of the open-air bar, along with two others she had brought aboard for the operation: Ivory, and Paladin. Acquaintances were made; Bookworm immediately sidled up to Ivory, despite her obvious lack of interest. At Claudia’s request, Ditch shooed away nearby, uninvolved patrons. Then she briefed the team on the particulars of the mission: a subsidiary of Renraku tasked with development of an experimental sensie AI, called “Cecilia,” had suffered a leak of their alpha material, which was already hitting the underground BTL market; they needed all copies of the alpha recovered before it could spread. Their only lead was an AWOL employee from the development team, one John Cho, whose rather-light dossier Claudia downloaded to the team’s commlinks—bringing in Cho was a secondary objective. The deadline was ASAP, and as usual, discretion would be a necessity. Claudia produced a BTL chip, a copy of “Cecilia,” which she offered to Ivory for examination; Ivory jacked in, finding herself on a deserted beach with a beautiful woman—Ivory’s expression alone upon being disconnected revealed the developers’ success. Claudia informed the team that she would be attempting to get “as much as possible” in payment, with her usual 10% cut. The DXM team members had a long-standing trust-relationship with Claudia, and agreed to the terms without condition, as did the two additional runners.

As Claudia left the team to their work, they split into two groups: Mr. M stayed at the bar to do some internet research on Cho, with Paladin remaining to provide security; Bookworm and Ivory went to the only known source of distribution of the “Cecilia” BTLs, an alley behind a downtown club, with Ditch providing security.

Bookworm, Ivory and Ditch arrived at the alley, but found no one of interest there. They entered the adjoining club to start canvassing the patrons there for a source of the BTL; Bookworm and Ditch found a guy who said he had some for sale. When Bookworm inquired about his source (to prove they weren’t faked), he balked and started to distance himself; Ditch made a grab for the man, but he slipped away, just before Ivory slipped in behind him and tripped him up. Again, the dealer refused to give up his source, and again he tried to run; this time, Ditch chased him down and put him in an arm lock, forcing him back to the group. As they spotted the approach of the club’s bouncers, Ivory quickly hinted that they were cops, and that the dealer might end up in jail if he didn’t cooperate, but he demanded to see identification they didn’t actually have. Bookworm, in his natural environment at the club and knowing how these things work, convinced the bouncers that their “friend” had exceeded his limits, and they were taking him home; the bouncers allowed them to leave, escorting them all out the front door.

Outside the club, the still arm-locked dealer was led past the queue of potential club-entrants, around the corner into the alley, where they resumed their interrogation. They had the dealer pretty well confused and scared-for-his-life when Bookworm offered to buy the chips he had in exchange for the info about his source, to which the dealer (either reluctantly or unintentionally) agreed. Bookworm had ¥1250 on his person, which the dealer agreed to accept for three of the chips (he had six), and said his source went by the moniker, “Ghoul,” though he had overheard him being referred to by the name “Travis.”

Meanwhile, back at the bar…

Mr. M spent a while digging through the internet, but only managed to find a sparsely-populated, rarely-visited social media profile for John Cho, which M failed to hack into. He did manage to find an address, though.


The two took Mr. M’s ride to Cho’s well-to-do corporate apartment. Rather than bother with the gate-guard, they found a side-door, and M bypassed the electronic security to allow them to enter. Inside the apartment complex, they decided to nevermind the CCTV cameras and just walk up to the apartment like they belonged. Of course, the apartment was locked; M lacked the tools to bypass the non-electronic lock, so Paladin applied his boot instead. Inside, the two found the usual salaryman’s accoutrements, but no immediate sign of its occupant. Mr. M immediately spotted Cho’s computer and set about mining it for info. Again, he found himself looking at Cho’s social media profile, but this time it was auto-logged-in, so he had full access; it was still pretty sparse, but one noteworthy detail was a photo of Cho tagged by a friend/acquaintance—interesting, as Cho’s appearance in that photo was quite different from the one in his company dossier. It appeared to have been taken in some sort of nightclub; M sent the image to Bookworm, who was able to identify the club as “Synapse.”

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20°C | 68°F
Wind: S at 7 mph
Humidity: 63%


  • Bookworm (Herodian); Human Wizard
  • Ditch (Gigermann); Human Traceur
  • Ivory (Melissa); Human Social-Engineer
  • Mr. M (Winston); Human Hacker
  • Paladin (Rigil Kent); Human/Dhampir Street Samurai


Unconquerable, Part VII

As the crew gazed out the port into the hangar bay at their competitors’ ship, the Aegis, Ella thought better of trying to take her. Buck, disappointed, offered to do some mischief to her instead, and the captain agreed, hoping to impede any effort to give chase. There was some discussion about what to do with Trois, their prisoner, as they had no further use for him; he insisted he should be let go, as there was no harm he could do to them before they could leave, but they decided to have Abe sedate him, and, unconscious in his vacc-suit, stand him out of the way for his compatriots to find later, as they leave (should they get past the 300 or so waking Zhodani crew and myriad securitybots). The Crew took their turns cycling through the airlock into the hangar bay, bringing the stretcher-bound Jones in his patched-up vacc-suit, and Smith’s lifeless body. Haank and Buck split off and sidled up to the enemy ship, Buck with his toolbox, intent on welding shut the ship’s outer hatches, while the others floated over to the Spinward Star, to get it started up for takeoff.

In no rush and attempting to minimize any telltale vibration on the hull, Buck saw to the welding, starting with the only personnel airlock they could find on the unfamiliar model, while Haank provided security. They then sneaked around to seal off the dorsal shuttle-bay, followed by the cargo hatch to the rear. Most of the way through sealing the cargo hatch, Sam called over from the Spinward Star to inform them that the persons they were observing on the bridge of the enemy ship had left; the announcement preceded the arrival of an unfamiliar, angry face, apparently shouting at the two through a window from inside the ship’s cargo bay. As he finished, Buck facetiously demanded of the stranger in the window that he “sign off on the work order.” A heartbeat later, Buck and Haank felt a jolt from inside the ship, as the cargo-hatch motors strained at the weld in an unsuccessful attempt to break open. Laughing, the two started toward the Spinward Star, when Sam alerted them to the fact that the ship’s dorsal turret was sweeping for them. Buck and Haank, out of the weapons’ fire arc for the moment, briefly discussed how they might disable them; Buck decided that taking a hammer to the lasers’ optics would be too slow, before Haank offered to risk personal vaporization to shoot it dead with his under-barrel–mounted gauss shotgun pistol (loaded with HEMP rounds—certainly capable of penetrating the ship’s armor). Buck agreed to draw their attention while Haank got into position behind the turret. Once in position, Haank nearly emptied the shotgun’s magazine into the turret, desperately leaping out of the line of fire as it quickly turned around to fire at him…and fizzled, no longer functional. Haank’s jump clear left him drifting, but he expertly caught himself at the next opportunity and made his way back to the Spinward Star, to join the rest of the Crew.

With all aboard, Sam set the ship moving toward the exit; Haank took up position at the gunners’ station, just in case. The Aegis also took off a heartbeat later, in mad pursuit, being essentially unarmed; she jerked upward from below, attempting to slam the Spinward Star into the ceiling of the hangar bay. Sam tried to maneuver the ship out of the way, but ended up scraping deeply into the structure (the damage would turn out to be mostly cosmetic). He recovered from the impact to find the Aegis backing off for another go; Sam pressed hard for the exit, trying to position the ship such that Haank could fire from the ventral turret. As the enemy ship jerked upward again, this time, Sam rolled the Spinward Star just out of the way, at the same time that Haank got off a lucky shot at the ship’s bridge, both resulting in the Aegis crashing itself into the structure hard enough to wedge it in, stopped dead and stuck fast. Not only was the pursuit ended, but the crew of the Aegis were now unlikely to be able to escape the Zhodani vessel at all.


The Spinward Star left the Unconquerable behind, having lost a crewmember and gained nothing in return—except a few containers of 10-year-old military weapons and vehicles. There was plenty of time to contemplate their next move in the day or two it took to get to the nearest gas giant in the system to refuel. Once fueled, they jumped-out for Kinorb, without incident.


  • We were missing Abe’s player this week, again, but it was just as well, as he really wouldn’t have had much to do
  • Buck really wanted to break the laser optics with a hammer or something, but the rules aren’t quite geared for that sort of thing. It probably should have been possible, but by RAW, he would have to break through 10dDR with a blunt instrument, or 5dDR if considered a “targeted attack”—still a lot of non-ablative DR. On the other hand, it should be able to withstand a micrometeorite hit, so maybe it’s right?
  • First time using Haank’s shotgun pistol w/ HEMP; turns out he could literally shoot down a starship with it, at 6d×3 (5)—had been avoiding using it in close quarters due to fragmentation, but it would have vaporized those androids
  • The GM had us make a Reaction check for the Aegis crew as we left, to see how they would handle the “mischief”; rolled a 7—“not well,” apparently
  • This session was the end of this run, so it was a bit short; good stopping point. Time to rotate to another campaign. This one has gone reasonably well, and will likely return in the near-future

226-1120 (23:39:01)
Ships status: All Systems Normal
Navigational status: RYHLANOR SUBSECTOR, (2714) GILEDEN

Duty Roster
Ella Stanbridge (Melissa)
Ertrane “Buck” Buckner (Herodian)
Henri Haank Makruus (Gigermann)
Sam Turner (Winston)


Unconquerable, Part VI

With Jones, and Smith’s body, placed in cryo-stasis, the Crew set out for the ship’s reactors, along with the original Zhodani crew’s Chief Engineer and three others he picked from among those that had been awakened. Everyone was prepared for the worst, expecting a fight. It was a relatively short trip aft of the habitation rings, and they arrived at the main corridor connecting the two reactor sections without incident. On a figurative coin-toss, they headed first for the starboard reactor; at a distance, ’round the corner, they spotted several securitybots apparently engaged in a firefight with an unknown (but easily guessed) foe. The Crew stopped briefly to decide how to proceed when someone spotted a head briefly poking around the port-side end of the corridor—no firefight over there, so they decided to check it out, hoping to catch their competition off-guard.

final-580x326Haank cautiously eased his rifle around the corner, using the HUD-link to remotely spy out what was waiting there; there were two armed spacers covering the approach with storm carbines, and they appeared to have spotted the rifle. Unsure of the other crew’s disposition or purpose, but unwilling to simply go in shooting without cause, the Crew decided to give diplomacy a chance. Buck, wearing space armor, stepped around the corner in as non-threatening a manner as he could, announcing their non-hostile intent to approach, citing the nearby presence of the ship’s automated security forces as good cause to be quick; the rest followed just behind Buck, though the other intruders demanded they keep their distance. Abe called out to see if any among them had been injured, and offered to help; as it happened, one of the three had been shot by robots earlier, and the leader nervously accepted the offer of aid, allowing the lot of them into the reactor room. One of the intruders kept watch on the corridor, and was joined by Haank at the other side of the entry. Another spoke for the group, and kept a rifle trained on the strangers as he pointed Abe to the injured man; Abe got right to work patching him up, directing him to remove his vacc-suit top. Buck tried to keep himself interposed between the rifle and Abe, and politely quizzed the man about their situation while explaining his own. The Zhodani crewmen stood to the side and kept out of the way. Haank sized up the opposition, and decided they looked somewhat inexperienced. Ella joined Buck in his attempts to learn more about the others; the leader wasn’t interested in chatting, treating the Crew as a potential threat (for good reason), but they were able to get a few facts out of him: there were around nine more of them, and they had no interest in giving up their prize. Buck discreetly wandered over to the nearby terminal to see how the reactor’s progress was going, but the leader bristled when he attempted to sit at the console and start typing; Buck backed off.

After determining the competition was entirely unbothered by the legal issues involved in taking the ship from its surviving crew—that is, an act of piracy—and might resort to less savory means to keep it, Haank left his post at the entryway and explained the matter to the Zhodani in their language. Buck noticed the leader was listening to the conversation in Zhdent, though he would not admit to speaking the language; the man’s demeanor had shifted to one of concern, as Haank told the Zhodani they may have to retake the ship by force, and he insisted his injured comrade get his suit back on, nervously pointing his storm carbine at anyone that moved. Ella demanded he lower his weapon, joined by Buck, as the situation escalated to shouting. At a movement by the leader that Sam interpreted as “hostile,” he raised his looted gauss rifle to fire on the one guarding the corridor, but the leader reacted quickly and fired, crippling Sam’s weapon arm. In an instant, the entire Crew started leapt into action: Haank swung around and shot the corridor-guard in the ribs, just before Sam finished him off, and began advancing toward the leader in an intimidating manner; as Buck was raising his weapon, the leader shot him in the chest-plate, the heavy slugs stopped entirely by his space-armor, after which, Buck unloaded his own weapon into the man, killing him. The fight was over in a matter of a few seconds, with the leader dead, the corridor-guard grievously wounded and unconscious, and the previously-injured pirate surrendered.

Haank informed the Zhodani that the situation was now under control. Buck sat down at the terminal and started poking around; he discovered that the intruders appeared to have isolated the terminal from the ship’s computer network, allowing them to take control of the reactor systems—since turning it on was what they wanted anyway, the operation was allowed to continue. Haank informed the Zhodani Chief Engineer that they were handing over the reactor system to him, and would be moving out to retake the starboard reactor; the Zhodani crew elected to remain in place to babysit the operation, but agreed to call back to the rest of the waking crew for backup. The Crew decided to take with them the surviving, wounded pirate, who said his name was Tony Trois, to help convince the others of their capabilities and intentions.

The Crew moved out to the corridor and followed it to starboard, finding numerous “corpses” of fallen androids strewn about the corner. As before, Haank spied around the corner with his rifle, spotting numerous enemy troops there, well-armed and dug in for a fight. Ella nudged their captive around the corner to announce the Crew’s desire to parley; he complied. Ella was allowed to step around the corner unarmed. She still had her pistol on her hip as she did so; the opposition demanded it be taken and slid forward on the floor toward them, but she instead reached for it—drawing some alarm—before slowly pulling it free with two fingers and handing it back around the corner to Haank. She demanded to speak to their captain, also a former Navy officer, but he would not leave the reactor room to talk in the open, demanding instead that Ella come into the reactor room to speak—she refused, choosing to shout back to him instead. After a bit of Navy-related small-talk establishing each others’ former credentials, she informed the opposing captain that the original crew was awakening from stasis, around 300-strong, and would be taking back the ship; the opposing captain was unconvinced, and completely uninterested in giving up his prize. Thinking back on the loss of Smith, and the numerous injuries the rest of the Crew were still suffering from, Ella decided the Zhodani really didn’t need any further assistance, and turned back down the corridor to leave, pulling their captive back with her.

The Crew marched back to the medical station in the habitation rings, captive in tow, and collected Smith and Jones. As they made their way back to the hangar deck, Ella revealed that she had in mind to take the intruders’ ship as a prize, as it would likely be unmanned, or at least, under-manned. When they arrived at the hangar, they saw the other ship, the Aegis, alongside the Spinward Star; an unknown hull-class at around 200-tons. However, someone spotted movement inside—it looked like they would have to fight for it.


  • Ella’s player was absent; she was played by Buck’s player instead, which was an interesting dichotomy, as the two characters are completely opposite
  • The dice finally cut us a break this week, for the most part; no catastrophes to speak of


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It wasn’t supposed to end this way, Ella thought as they lifted Smith onto the table in the medical bay. But I’m not surprised that it did. When you live your life among the stars, every second is a risk. If it isn’t a misjump into a giant sun, it’s crossing the wrong person on a remote planet. And all you have left is an instant to fight for a life that’s already forfeit. One breached hull and you’re floating through the cosmos for the rest of…well…forever. In space, shit happens. Bad shit. Ella knew this and had dealt with it before. But the others?

Ella closed her eyes as her thoughts drifted to the rest of her crew, and her years of experience in the navy took control. Morale will be hell after this. Especially the Doc’s. Ella opened her eyes and watched Ibrahim work with superhuman effort, trying to breathe life back into a dead man. How long had she been drifting in the chaos, she wondered? She looked down at the gray skin below her. Too long, already. The robots will find us soon. We have to keep moving.

“Doc. He’s gone. Let him go.”


Sometime in the future…

Brushed steel. Sterile. Cold. Ella hesitated as she stared down the long metal corridor. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she registered that her breath floated in front of her as faint puffs of white frost. I’ve been here before, she thought. She heard a regular click/clack sound, and a brief moment of alarm jolted through her chest before she realized that it was her own feet, moving down the hall of their own accord.

To the left and right, there were rounded tubes, also in brushed steel, but with glass plates in front, allowing a clear view of what lay within within. Faces. So many faces, all of whom she had known in the past. She didn’t count them anymore; there were too many. Nor did she really even look.

Eventually a humanoid shape detached itself from the gloom far down the hall, and stood, waiting for her approach. The clack-clack of her boots slowed and stopped. The lone figure stood beside a tube that unlike all the others, stood open. The light from inside the tube highlighted his profile and cast a fierce shadow on the other side of the hall.



A beat.

“Sorry Smith. It wasn’t supposed to end like this.”

The shape shrugged. “A life in space sucks, Cap. If it wasn’t death by crazy robots, it would’ve been something else.” He pointed back down the hall towards the occupied tubes. “All of these?”

“Yeah. When you’re in the military during conflict, you tend to lose a few friends.”

“You should let go of ’em, you know. That’s a lot of weight to be carrying around. Hell, I’m enough baggage by myself to weigh down a two-person shuttle.”

Their laughter echoed down the hall for a few seconds after they had stopped, and then faded to silence.

“Well, could be worse here, I guess. I mean, that lady that’s straight across from me is hot. I won’t mind staring at her for a few years until you can purge all your demons.”

“That’s my mother, Smith.”


Somewhere, a lone trumpet started to play.

“Ah, guess that’s my cue.” Smith took a couple of steps towards the open tube, and turned around. “Cap?”


“Give my best to Jones. He’s a good guy. Make sure he gets home to that wife of his.”

“I’ll do my best.” But that may not be enough.

The tube hummed as the cover closed automatically, and the light inside dimmed. Smith smiled wanly through the glass, and as the last of the light faded to black, he closed his eyes and seemed to fall asleep. Ella found herself alone once more with the dead.

226-1120 (23:22:05)
Ships status: All Systems Normal
Navigational status: RYHLANOR SUBSECTOR, (2714) GILEDEN

Duty Roster
Ertrane “Buck” Buckner (Herodian)
Henri Haank Makruus (Gigermann)
Ibrahim “Abe” Nouri-Abbood (Rigil Kent)
Sam Turner (Winston)


Unconquerable, Part V

Of the Zhodani crew released from stasis, three volunteered to accompany the Crew to the bridge to help get the computer shut down—the two techs, and one other. Smith and Jones, both still unconscious from their earlier wounds, were placed on stretchers to be hauled along, rather then leave them behind. However, the stretchers would make crawling the service tunnels virtually impossible, so the Crew opted for the more open route, which would undoubtedly have them run afoul of the ship’s automated security forces; they prepared for the worst, entrusting the Zhodani volunteers with scavenged gauss rifles.

They made their way to the nearest elevator cluster that had not been sealed full of securitybots. As they approached, they could hear one of the cars activate, summoned back to the central ring, no doubt to pick up more armed androids; they all piled into an empty car, but waited for the other to reach its destination and begin its return before activating their own. At the “top,” after disembarking, Buck quickly moved to disable the elevator doors, as before. They determined the correct direction around the central collar to reach the shaft leading mid-ship, and began cautiously floating toward it, keeping an eye for trouble. A couple of securitybots were spotted at some distance around the curve, and the Crew and their company hasted to hide themselves behind whatever cover presented, pulling their stretcher-bound comrades aside; Haank reassured the Zhodani crewmen, quietly reminding them that the robots would not be trying to kill them, so they should hang back if a fight erupts. The “autonomous” androids spoke to each other, as would any other sapient being, referring to sabotage of elevators and such. Some tense moments elapsed as the robots approached the Crew’s hiding places, passing within hands reach of Buck, to the fore, but they didn’t spot anyone as they turned back the other way, having been summoned elsewhere. The Crew discreetly followed behind them to their intended passage, leaving the robots behind as they continued ’round another way.

Floating down the passage forward, the Crew felt a hum begin to reverberate through the ship’s structure; they identified this as the reactor being started up, and the Zhodani agreed. The crew of the other ship had clearly been working to get it online this whole time. Buck estimated it would be an hour or two before it would be fully warmed up.

sonnyThey found the elevator-cluster that would take them to the sub-bridge level; they entered, and took it to the topmost cargo deck, Buck having sealed off the doors to the sub-bridge itself earlier. They found the hold there mostly empty. Haank asked one of the Zhodani where they might find access to the sub-bridge from here, and they pointed out the spot, in the next hold-chamber. When the bay door opened, though, they started as they saw rows and rows of securitybots, statue-like, in some sort of standby mode; the formation appeared to be missing a few, clearly having been dispatched to bring in the intruders. It was decided to take the chance of alerting them to get past to the access hatch, so they proceeded cautiously. There was no reaction at all from the androids, until the moment Haank and Buck started to remove the hatch cover; a number of robots suddenly activated…and moved out in a hurry for the elevators, completely ignoring the intruders amongst them, to the intruders’ surprise.

Continuing their mission, Buck was in the service tunnel as the Crew were deciding to remove Smith and Jones from their stretchers, when the ship’s artificial gravity suddenly engaged, dropping everyone heavily to the floor. Abe checked on his patients, and discovered the Smith had landed badly in the process, and was bleeding out badly. The Crew stopped everything to do what they could (as it was, little) to help Abe, as he frantically tried to save the still-unconscious Smith. Stripping him out of his vacc-suit, which was full of blood, he administered regeneratives and performed CPR as Smith nearly faded—he was still alive, but only barely, in desperate need of a blood transfusion to replace the significant loss. Ella might have torn her own arm open to provide it, but the Crew unanimously decided they would abandon their current mission to return him to the nearest medical station for proper treatment—which happened to be the same place they had left, earlier.

Now with full gravity, the return trip to the medical facility was much more difficult; they went back the same way they came. The stretchers had to be carried all the way back, and maneuvered into the elevators, taking care not to jostle them too much. Fortunately, they encountered no resistance whatsoever as they hurried back, and they arrived at the medical station in good time. Abe immediately sprang back to work, as Smith was fading fast. But he was too far gone, and the medical supplies available at the station were designed for Zhodani patients; Abe eventually had to be pulled away by the other Crew, having failed to save their fallen comrade.

Reeling from their loss, the Crew discussed their next move: the other crew had clearly gained an advantage, but the security forces seemed preoccupied with their activities rather than the Crew’s, which gave them time they didn’t have before. It was decided to start waking the other Zhodani crew to aid in taking back their ship, starting with whatever medical officers they could locate, who could then assist in waking the others. In a half hour or so, there were nearly thirty Zhodani crew up and about; the ranking officer among them was the Chief Engineer. Haank gathered those Zhodani that were awake and, matter-of-factly, tried to explain the situation: the war had ended in a truce, though the “ship” was not aware of it; the Crew was here for salvage until they discovered the crew still lived, at which point they were working to help them take it back from the other free-traders that had boarded, who were currently starting it up. Haank’s efforts were received coldly, though the Zhodani made no attempt to turn on their rescuers. Haank, translating for the others as needed, discussed their tactical options with the Chief Engineer, who insisted that the ship’s engineering section should be taken back ASAP, as they had less than an hour before it would be fully charged up, at which point the intruders would likely take full control. It was agreed that engineering was the most likely location of the other intruders, as the reactor would require some babysitting during the startup process, so they would be expecting resistance. There was an arms station nearby, and Buck was commissioned to bring his tools, and help get it opened, as the Zhodani crew were still locked out of the system (by the former crew of the Proud Mary); what arms and armor were available (not much, given that the ship was designed to be defended by the androids) were taken up by the Zhodani crew. As prepared as they could be, the Crew and a chosen handful of Zhodani, led by the Chief Engineer, set out to assault the engineering section.


  • The securitybots stopped right in front of Buck in the hallway; the GM randomly rolled which direction they would turn as they about-faced to leave—lucky, that time
  • After four sessions without it, gravity is finally returned, to our chagrin 😛
  • Having to backtrack, we’re running afoul of our justifiable attempts to cover our six by sealing off the elevators
  • The GM had the injured make a HT check when the gravity came back on, and Smith failed critically; then the GM made a Death Check for him, which failed by one (accounting for one level of Easy to Kill—without which he would have survived). If I’m not mistaken, Smith is the only “party” loss this group has experienced since I started playing. Though he was only an NPC, and originally a red-shirt, we had grown rather attached.
  • The dice continued to be uncooperative at critical moments; once again, a much-needed Diplomacy attempt (with the waking Zhodani crew) was thwarted